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Welcome to Open House. Mrs. Moss & Mrs

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1 Welcome to Open House. Mrs. Moss & Mrs
Welcome to Open House! Mrs. Moss & Mrs. Bond’s Class Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day

2 Welcome! Thank you SO much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come to Open House. This will be a year full of academic and personal growth for your child.  Tonight’s Agenda: All about 4th Grade Our Daily Routine Fourth Grade Lingo Odds and Ends and Everything in Between Transportation Communication and Closing Remarks

3 Our Mission & Vision Statement:
Mission: Develop the minds, hearts and spirits of champions. Vision: A school of excellence where all students succeed.

4 All about Fourth Grade “Teamwork makes a dream work!”
This is a transitional year, not just a “review” year. Students will use the expandable file to organize work They will only get one copy… Check agenda and work nightly. (Friday Folder, Homework Folder) Homework is due at 7:50 on FRIDAY morning. Please do not bring your child’s homework to school. They need to learn to be responsible for their work. Please keep absences to a minimum. We cover an immense amount of content each day. Please try to make appointments as late as you can. (Absent Folder)

5 Our Daily Routine School starts at 7:50. Please come prepared. If your child is tardy, you must sign him/her in the office. They have to be in the classroom by 7:50. Class work- We expect 100% effort! Homework-Should not take longer than 40 minutes. There is usually spelling, reading and math every night. Due on Friday Mornings. (If they are in AC during those block, they have AC homework- no need to do it for me as well) Makeup work-A makeup folder will be sent home with the missing assignments. However many days your child was absent is how many days he/she needs to make the work up. Lunch is at 12:00. We have snack at 9:15. Please provide only appropriate snacks and water bottles that are spill proof. Please no peanut butter and/or nuts. Birthday treats are welcome during lunch time 

6 Other Teachers Writing Lab- Every Thursday- Mrs. Ernest
Target- Friday- Mrs. Carothers, Mrs. Payne or Mrs. Costello Music- Mrs. Grayburn Spanish- Mrs. Gonzalez Art- Mrs. Holcombe i-lab- Mrs. Courant PE- Coach Cascone

7 8:00-8:15 Number Talks Mini Lesson 8:15-9:15 Guided Math
Class Schedule   ** This is a tentative schedule and is subject to change. 8:00-8:15 Number Talks Mini Lesson 8:15-9:15 Guided Math 9:00-9:15 Snack 9:15-10:00 Specials 10:05-10:50 Guided Reading 10:50-11:35 ELA/ Writing 11:35-12:00 Class Meeting/ Voyage 12:00-12:30 Lunch (B1, B2) 12:30-1:05 Recess 1:10-2:00 Social Studies/ Science/ Health

8 Fourth Grade Lingo Spelling City
Fact fluency quizzes - math Class Blog Friday Folders-sign on Fridays and return daily. Keep work for future reference. Rocket Reader Forms- Students responsibility to fill out based on reading log or books read at home Book reports/ Projects (1 per quarter)

9 A Little More about Behavior…
I believe that everyone can succeed in my class.  I hold my students to high expectations.  I expect ALL students to come ready to learn! Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Each and every one of us is responsible for our own actions.  Remember, every action has a consequence-both the good and the bad. The school wide behavior plan will be enforced in my classroom.  Students that misbehave will face the following consequences: he/she will first be given a warning, second he/she will be sent to another teacher’s room if the misbehavior continues, next will be an infraction/parent phone call, a second infraction, and a third infraction will result in an office referral.

10 The meaning of the acronym CHAMP
C-Check Your Feet H-Hands to Yourself A-Always Act Respectfully M-Make Good Decisions P-Pay Attention


12 Behavior: Class Dojo Points/ Behavior Charts

13 Remind APP

14 How can I help my child? Communication is KEY! You can always contact us via or remind. Look at papers going home. What did they not score well on? Practice spelling words each week for assessments. Work on handwriting skills at home (Journal) Ask them what they are doing at school and what is hard for them…. they know what they need help with! Practice, Practice, Practice fact fluency!!!! If they don’t have these facts memorized by now, they are behind already!!

15 Odds and Ends and Everything in Between
Common Core Curriculum- Georgia Standards of Excellence Grading Scale: A= B= C= D= F=69 & below Synergy sign up is in the lobby tonight. Must have photo ID and be the one who registered your child. Computer Lab is every week- Mondays 4th Grade Activities Letter will go home soon. Please don’t mark in the “Office Use Only” section of the envelope. This will be for field trips for the year. This is the only time you can order a class t-shirt.

16 Transportation Please send in a note. Your child cannot leave school an alternate way without notifying the school of the change. s can NOT be accepted. Call the office before 2:00 if there is a sudden change.  Car Riders vs. Walkers-Please do not park and walk in to get your children, please use the car line if you are driving to pick up your child.         Walkers will now gather on the Kindergarten playground in the afternoons. Please do not drive into the bus port to drop off students in the mornings (walkers are fine) After 2:45, students/parents cannot return to the classrooms.

17 Field Trips Safety Village- off campus Wellstar- at school
Youth Museum- off campus

18 Voyage- Character Education Program
Respect Patience Self Control Compassion Trustworthy Independence Appreciation Loyalty

19 Communication and Closing Remarks
Please feel free to contact us at any time at: Education is a three-part system: your child, the parents and the teacher.

20 Thank you for coming to Open House! Have a great evening!
Teamwork makes a dream work!

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