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Coming back attendence.

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Presentation on theme: "Coming back attendence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coming back attendence

2 464 comics later...


4 Brainstorm: what are examples of things "coming back" in stories
Brainstorm: what are examples of things "coming back" in stories? That is: things that make an appearance, and then become important later?

5 Things that come back - skills - a line - a character - an object
- information - events - settings Write these in your composition notebook!

6 Examples Harry Potter- talking to snakes (skills become important)
Lilo and Stitch- Ohana means family (a line becomes important)

7 Practice (this was a competition in class)
- come up with 3 examples of “things coming back” in a story (movie/book/cartoon/etc.)

8 Just for fun If you want to look into this more, you can look at this website’s explanation. (Warning: TV tropes is often called “the black hole of the internet”. It is very easy to waste several hours clicking one hyperlink after another.)

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