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Cs212: Data Structures Computer Science Department Lecture 6: Stacks.

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Presentation on theme: "Cs212: Data Structures Computer Science Department Lecture 6: Stacks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cs212: Data Structures Computer Science Department Lecture 6: Stacks

2 Lecture Contents Basic Stack Operation
What is Stack ? Basic Stack Operation Array-Based Stack Implementation Stack Linked List Implementation Infix, Postfix and Prefix 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

3 Stacks What is Stack ? A Stack is a linear list in which all additions and deletions are restricted to one end ,called the top Objects can be inserted into a stack at any time, but only the most recently inserted (that is, "last") object can be removed at any time. 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

4 Stacks What is Stack ? If you inserted a data series into a stack and then removed it ,the order of the data would be reversed . Data input as {5,10,15,20} would be removed as {20,15,10,5} This reversing attribute is why stacks are known as last in first out(LIFO) 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

5 Stacks Example 1: Internet Web browsers store the addresses of recently visited sites on a stack. Each time a user visits a new site, that site's address is "pushed" onto the stack of addresses. The browser then allows the user to "pop" back to previously visited sites using the "back" button. 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

6 Stacks Example 2: Text editors usually provide an "undo" mechanism that cancels recent editing operations and reverts to former states of a document. This undo operation can be accomplished by keeping text changes in a stack. 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

7 Abstract data types (ADTs)
abstract data type (ADT): A specification of a collection of data and the operations that can be performed on it. Describes what a collection does, not how it does it We don't know exactly how a stack is implemented, and we don't need to. We just need to understand the idea of the collection and what operations it can perform. Formally, a stack is an abstract data type (ADT) that supports the following two methods:

8 Stacks 1.Push Add new element to the top of the stack
Basic Stack Operation 1.Push Add new element to the top of the stack The input consists of the stack and the new element. Prior to this operation, the stack must exist and must not be full 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

9 Check for enough room, (no overflow)
Stacks Check for enough room, (no overflow) Data Push Top Top operation

10 Stacks 2. Pop Removes the top element of the stack.
Basic Stack Operation 2. Pop Removes the top element of the stack. Prior to this operation, the stack must exist and must not be empty. 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

11 Check if empty, (no underflow)
Stacks Check if empty, (no underflow) Data Top Pop Top operation

12 Stacks Additionally, let us also define the following methods:
Other Stack Operation Additionally, let us also define the following methods: size(): Return the number of elements in the stack. isEmpty(): Return a Boolean indicating if the stack is empty. 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

13 Stacks Top: Returns the top element of the stack.
Other Stack Operation Top: Returns the top element of the stack. Prior to this operation, the stack must exist and must not be empty. 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

14 Check if empty, (no underflow)
Stacks Check if empty, (no underflow) Data Top Top Stack top operation

15 Exceptions Attempting the execution of an operation of ADT may sometimes cause an error condition, called an exception Exceptions are said to be “thrown” by an operation that cannot be executed In the Stack ADT, operations pop and top cannot be performed if the stack is empty Attempting the execution of pop or top on an empty stack throws an EmptyStackException 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

16 Class Stack Stack<E>()
Stack<Integer> s = new Stack<Integer>(); s.push(42); s.push(-3); s.push(17); // bottom [42, -3, 17] top System.out.println(s.pop()); // 17 Stack<E>() constructs a new stack with elements of type E push(value) places given value on top of stack pop() removes top value from stack and returns it; throws EmptyStackException if stack is empty top() returns top value from stack without removing it; size() returns number of elements in stack isEmpty() returns true if stack has no elements

17 Array-Based Stack Implementation
We can implement a stack by storing its elements in an array. Specifically, the stack in this implementation consists of an N-element array S plus an integer variable t that gives the index of the top element in array S. 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

18 Array-Based Stack Implementation con..
17 23 97 44 stk: top = 3 or count = 4 If the bottom of the stack is at location 0, then an empty stack is represented by top = -1 or count = 0 To add (push) an element, either: Increment top and store the element in stk[top], or Store the element in stk[count] and increment count To remove (pop) an element, either: Get the element from stk[top] and decrement top, or Decrement count and get the element in stk[count]

19 Array-Based Stack Implementation con..
The array implementation of a stack is simple and efficient. Nevertheless, this implementation has one negative aspect—it must assume a fixed upper bound, CAPACITY, on the ultimate size of the stack. 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

20 Array-Based Stack Implementation con..
Fortunately, there is another implementation, which we discuss next, that does not have a size limitation and use space proportional to the actual number of elements stored in the stack. 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

21 Linked-list implementation of stacks
Several data strucures could be used to implement a stack. To implement linked list stack , we need two different structures , a head and a data node. Top (a) Conceptual count Head Data nodes 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

22 Linked-list implementation of stacks con..
Stack Head :require only two attributes top pointer count for number of elements in the stack Stack Data Node The rest of the data structure is a typical linked list data node The header of the list points to the top of the stack 44 97 23 17 myStack: Pushing is inserting an element at the front of the list Popping is removing an element from the front of the list 17-Feb-19

23 Infix, Postfix and Prefix
Infix, Postfix and Prefix notations are three different but equivalent ways of writing expressions. It is easiest to demonstrate the differences by looking at examples of operators that take two operands. 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

24 Infix, Postfix and Prefix
Infix notation The operator comes between the operands This is the usual way we write expressions X + Y . An expression such as A * ( B + C ) / D is usually taken to mean something like: "First add B and C together, then multiply the result by A, then divide by D to give the final answer." 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

25 Infix, Postfix and Prefix
Infix notation Infix notation needs extra information to make the order of evaluation of the operators clear: rules built into the language about operator precedence and associativity, and brackets ( ) to allow users to override these rules. 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

26 Infix, Postfix and Prefix
Infix notation For example, the usual rules for associativity say that we perform operations from left to right, so the multiplication by A is assumed to come before the division by D. Similarly, the usual rules for precedence say that we perform multiplication and division before we perform addition and subtraction. 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

27 Infix, Postfix and Prefix
Postfix notation Also known as "Reverse Polish notation“ Operators are written after their operands X Y +. The infix expression given above is equivalent to A B C + * D /  The order of evaluation of operators is always left-to-right, and brackets cannot be used to change this order. Because the "+" is to the left of the "*" in the example above, the addition must be performed before the multiplication.  17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

28 Infix, Postfix and Prefix
Postfix notation Operators act on values immediately to the left of them. For example, the "+" above uses the "B" and "C". We can add (totally unnecessary) brackets to make this explicit:  ( (A (B C +) *) D /)  Thus, the "*" uses the two values immediately preceding: "A", and the result of the addition. Similarly, the "/" uses the result of the multiplication and the "D". 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

29 Infix, Postfix and Prefix
Prefix notation Also known as "Polish notation“ Operators are written before their operands + X Y. The expressions given above are equivalent to / * A + B C D  As for Postfix, operators are evaluated left-to-right and brackets are superfluous. Operators act on the two nearest values on the right. I have again added (totally unnecessary) brackets to make this clear:  (/ (* A (+ B C) ) D) 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

30 Infix, Postfix and Prefix
Prefix notation Although Prefix "operators are evaluated left-to-right", they use values to their right, and if these values themselves involve computations then this changes the order that the operators have to be evaluated in. In the example above, although the division is the first operator on the left, it acts on the result of the multiplication, and so the multiplication has to happen before the division (and similarly the addition has to happen before the multiplication).  17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

31 Infix, Postfix and Prefix
Examples 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

32 Infix, Postfix and Prefix
Examples 17-Feb-19 Computer Science Department

33 End Of Chapter References: Text book, chapter4: Stacks 17-Feb-19
Computer Science Department

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