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Presentation on theme: "HOLIDAY PARTIES: CELEBRATE SAFELY"— Presentation transcript:

David G. Gabor, Esq. The Wagner Law Group

2 David G. Gabor Represents clients in: Litigation
Negotiating and drafting agreements Handling compliance issues Creating corporate infrastructure Drafting employee manuals, handbooks and policies Training of employees and management Drafting EEO-1 Reports, Affirmative Action Plans, and conducting audits Leading companies toward organizational excellence

3 Introduction Far too many issues have arisen as a result of holiday parties. We will explore several cases an then talk about steps that can be taken to minimize risk. This will be conducted through review of a top ten that focuses on: - Preparing for the holiday party; - Policies for the holiday party; - Notifying employees; - Policing the party; and - As people leave the party.

4 Context Employers may be responsible for: Employee-employee harassment
Harassment by a third party Interaction by an employee and a third party Injuries to employees Injuries caused by guests of the party Other potential liability

5 Sad But True Stories The corporate executive who mooned his staff.
The employees playing spin the bottle. The supervisor demanding that his subordinate slow dance….all night long. The female who drank too much and then… The owner of a company planned a dinner at a bar followed by a trip to a strip club. Companies that keep the wine and champagne flowing.

6 More Stories The employee who left the office party and got into a fatal accident. The supervisor who promised to drive his intoxicated co-worker home from the party but forgot and then she drove her car into a tree. The employees who wagered over drinks and then got into a drag race. Employees demanded compensation for attendance at the holiday party.

7 The Goal The holiday party is an opportunity to Show appreciation
Show that you invest in your employees Reinforce relationships with clients/customer Network The key is to strike a balance.

8 Top Ten List 1. Consider the benefits of hosting a party during the work day or the evening. 2. Why it matters how you announce this to employees. a. Wage and hour b. Potential liability 3. Insurance (yours and the venue where you will be holding the party).

9 Top Ten List 4. To serve or not to serve….alcohol. There is a trend in many companies to not serve alcoholic beverages. If you decide to serve alcohol: a. Two drink (alcohol or non-alcoholic beverage maximum; or b. Have people pay for their own beverages.

10 Top Ten List 5. Steps to take when picking a venue. 6. Disseminate a policy that makes clear what is expected of employees and what employees can expect at the event, such as: a. Appropriate behavior; b. Monitoring conduct; c. Take the keys please; and d. Management oversight.

11 Top Ten List 7. Should there be dancing? 8. Pay attention to detail:
a. Food; b. Games; and c. How people interact with each other. 9. Make clear what you expect of the host, including the bartenders. 10. Designate people to patrol the event and station people at the exit.

12 School’s Out Until 2019! Thank you for taking the time to attend this presentation. Class dismissed.

13 Contact Information David G. Gabor The Wagner Law Group Boston Office 99 Summer Street, 13th Floor Boston, MA 02110 Tel: (617) Direct Dial: (617)


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