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Overcoming Obstacles to a “YOU” Focused Life.

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Presentation on theme: "Overcoming Obstacles to a “YOU” Focused Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overcoming Obstacles to a “YOU” Focused Life.
1Peter 3:9-12 Overcoming Obstacles to a “YOU” Focused Life.

2 Spiritual Life Principle:
By reconfiguring our motivating “factor” we will overcome the obstacles to unity & obtain Blessing.

3 What Motivates a Vengeful Heart?
PAIN. Physical or Emotional. PAIN causes us to build DEFENSIVE WALLS to keep out hurt. It also SHUTS OUT LOVE. Types of Emotional Pain: Betrayal, Rejection, Disrespect, Disregard, Abuse. Creation can’t stand injustice, Prov. 30:21—23.

4 What Motivates a Vengeful Heart?
WE can’t stand injustice. BUT it isn’t for US to handle. We were never intended to bear the weight of injustice. When we try to “make it right,” we make it worse. Prov. 30:33. “Pressing anger produces strife.” Theme of 1 Peter is to suffer injustice and let GOD deal with the outcome.

5 What a Vengeful Heart Communicates:
It communicates the abundance of the heart, Prov. 4:23. Our Hearts are a Spring of Water. What is in, is what comes out. Vengeful hearts overflow with: Hatred, Malice, Slander, Pride. God wants to FREE us from a Vengeful Heart. He Never intended for us to be able to deal with them.

6 What Overcomes a Vengeful Heart?
Confession, James 5:16 Blessing & Prayer: Matthew 5:38—48 & Luke 6:27— 36. To This We Have Been Called. SO THAT… We Bless so that WE may be BLESSED. Vengeance in the heart pollutes the waters tainting everyone who drinks of our spring.

7 Spiritual Life Principle Application:
What is the condition of your spring today? Are you ready to say, “Lord, I am willing to do whatever you ask of me?” Begin working out with me using the dumbbells of humility and submission. They are hard to pick up but with every exercise we get stronger. Blessing is the hard work that needs to be done to receive the blessing of God.

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