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Schools of Thought in Ancient China chapter 6 lesson 1

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1 Schools of Thought in Ancient China chapter 6 lesson 1
Jessenia Rojo Class of 2018

2 Social When females were babies they had to break their toes and fold them back because their feet couldn’t be bigger than the males. There is a restriction of widows being able to remarry - The king and the aristocracy were sharply separated from the mass of the people on the basis of land ownership and family descent

3 Political - Use of chariots in conflict
- Some 1500 years after the founding of the Shang Dynasty around 1700 B.C., China was unified. The first centralized Chinese empire was the proud achievement of two dynasties, the Ch'in and the Han

4 Interaction - In the Han dynasty there was an author named Tsang Kung, who noted many diseases, including cancer of the stomach, aneurysm, and rheumatism. - Technology invented in china would include gunpowder, compass, papermaking, and printing.

5 Cultural - The three major religions in china were Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

6 Economic - The silk road was a trade route that went from china to eastern Europe. - Rice was the main crop in china

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