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Implementing a LAIR Program at the State Level National Meeting of State Access to Justice Commission Chairs May 12, 2018 Karen A. Lash Practitioner-in-Residence.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing a LAIR Program at the State Level National Meeting of State Access to Justice Commission Chairs May 12, 2018 Karen A. Lash Practitioner-in-Residence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing a LAIR Program at the State Level National Meeting of State Access to Justice Commission Chairs May 12, Karen A. Lash Practitioner-in-Residence and Director The Justice in Government Project Getting results with legal aid

2 What is LAIR and JGP? 2. Overview of Federal Block and Formula Grants

3 Big Idea Behind the Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable (LAIR) and Justice in Government Program:
Many federal, state, tribal, and local government programs aimed at increasing opportunities for education, employment, housing, health care, and improving public safety and family stability are more effective, efficient, and fair when they include legal aid.

4 Three Branches of Federal (and State) Government
Legislature or State or Governor or

5 Governors’ State-of-the-State Speeches name these policy priorities:
People struggling with opioids Crime victims Families Jobseekers who have criminal records Elderly Consumers Domestic violence survivors Disaster Victims Foster Care Homeless Veterans

6 Studies Show: Economic Benefits of Investing In Legal Aid
Studies Show: Low Public Awareness about Problems Having Legal Solutions Most low-income people – and the social service providers they work with – do not identify a wide-range of problems as having a possible legal solution Studies Show: Economic Benefits of Investing In Legal Aid By reducing illegal evictions By protecting patients’ health By removing obstacles for job-seekers By helping children leave foster care more quickly Civil Legal Aid Produces Economic Benefits By reducing domestic violence

7 Studies also show, for example:
Homeless veterans’ unmet needs include legal aid Children leave foster care more quickly, improving efficiency and cutting costs in public programs Medical-legal partnership can positively impact individual and population health and drive down healthcare costs 51% of tenants who participated in eviction proceedings without a lawyer lost their homes, compared to 21% of tenants with lawyers Legal services are often the most important service to reduce domestic abuse in the long term Legal interventions such as expungement of an old criminal record, stems the decline in earnings and may even boost employment and earnings of individuals reentering society

8 Federal Block/Formula Grants
Administered by State and Local Governments Federal agencies State agencies Local governments, community groups, social service providers, and… civil legal aid

9 Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
TANF purpose: help needy families achieve self-sufficiency HHS FAQs make clear states can fund legal assistance that helps families achieve self-sufficiency

10 TANF-funded legal aid in AZ, CA, GA, WI, WV includes:
Domestic violence and sexual assault Family law (adoption, custody, guardianship) Public benefits including SSI Help untangling fines/fees Reinstate drivers’ licenses Help with abusive debt collection practices Criminal record expungement and removing RAP sheet errors;

11 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Victim Assistance Formula Grant Program
VOCA purpose: provides services to crime victims DOJ rule makes clear states can fund legal aid to help victims of domestic violence, elder abuse, human trafficking, identity theft, consumer fraud

12 Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors (STOP) Violence Formula Grants
STOP purpose: enhance local capacity to combat violence against women DOJ makes clear in FAQs that states can use funds for legal advocacy

13 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
WIOA purpose: help jobseekers access employment, education, training, and support services and match employers with the skilled workers they need DOL rule lists lists legal aid among the supportive services considered “necessary to enable an individual to participate” in workforce activities

14 Legal aid helps jobseekers with criminal records:
Expungement Stabilize lives: Remove errors from RAP sheets -prevent illegal evictions -resolve credit report Avoid garnishment by negotiating child support or outstanding debts problems -file for domestic violence restraining orders Reinstate revoked or suspended driver’s licenses Untangle outstanding court debt issues

15 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
CDBG purpose: provide decent housing, suitable living environments, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for low and moderate income people HUD CDBG Administrators Guide says funds can be used for legal services for foreclosure prevention, landlord/tenant matters, veterans and public benefit appeals, child support orders, consumer protection, and to help people secure or retain employment.

16 Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant
SAPTBG purpose: help plan, implement and evaluate activities that prevent and treat substance abuse Solicitation invites states to develop partnerships and programs to advance overall health equity, using medical-legal partnerships to help people meet their housing, employment, and education needs as the example

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