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Business Center Workshop I Introduction to Accounts & Reports

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1 Business Center Workshop I Introduction to Accounts & Reports
Thursday September 13th 2018 College of Arts and Sciences Business Center

2 A&S Business Center-Contact Information Located in 361 Jacobs Science Building and 213 Patterson Office Tower What we do: Budgeting and Forecasting (grants & all other types of accounts) Grant Proposals Travel Reimbursements All Other Reimbursements Financial Reporting Payroll & Human Resources Faculty Distribution of Effort Facilitate Faculty Effort Certification Visa Processing for Employees and Visitors Purchasing, including Procurement Cards Student Payments & Scholarships Check & Cash Deposits Research Subject Payments Miscellaneous-all other items with a financial component General Tips & Tricks: For most items (purchasing, travel, hiring, etc) the most efficient method is to visit our website at also found under the A&S website under “Resources”. Use the appropriate request form, or if you are unsure, you can use this general request form: We use a ticketing system to manage requests and you will receive an back from one of our staff that will help with your request. The University has many contracted vendors for procurement & travel. By starting first with our unit we can help you to avoid significant delays in reimbursements and processing time by central administration. You will receive an with a link to a SharePoint folder, which will contain spreadsheets with your startup and any other account information. This folder can also be accessed through our website or at this link: Please also feel free to visit us in person in 361 Jacobs Science Building or 213 Patterson Office Tower for assistance. Your Department Manager also works closely with our office and can assist with any other questions you may have. *This Information is on the website and is in handout form today as well

3 FY18 Data Transactions Departments/Programs = 37 Employees = 1,829
Accounts = 1,289 Triage Requests = 12,950 Transactions Procard Edits = 12,800 Budget Transfers = 870 PRD = 3,479 Travel Reimbursements = 1,458 SRMs = 5,646 SAG forms = 211 Cash/Check Transmittals – A&S = 339 Positions Posted = 158 Payroll Actions = 3,900

4 Account Structure For most departments in A&S your main accounts will consist of the following types: State Operating, Dean’s Commitment, Space & Facilities, Base Personnel, Instruction, Revenue Share Income Course Fees, Royalty, Miscellaneous Income Endowment/Gifts Grants/Contracts Agency

5 Budget Structure Most departmental budgets consist of the following:
Base Personnel All Regular Faculty & Staff Lines Operating Summer & Winter Profits, Fund Balances, and/or College Instruction Recurring TA lines, Nonrecurring PTI’s, FTI’s, TA’s, etc Dean’s Commitments Converged Fees, CRAA’s, Admin research, Other misc nonrecurring commitments Space & Facilities (used for all renovations and building charges-key shop, etc) Funded from either department operating or Dean’s reserve

6 Business Center Website
You can access the Business Center website by clicking “Resources” on the A&S Home Page and then under “Resource Quick Links” selecting “Business Center”.

7 Business Center Website
On the left side of the Business Center website there are quick links for you to access information

8 Business Center Website
By selecting Business Center Forms you will be directed to the forms homepage. From here you can submit the following: Requisition (purchases) Hiring authorization Independent Contractors Office Depot Order Scott Gross Order Payment Request Document Travel request Scholarship and grant authorization If you unsure of the form to use or just have a question you can submit the a ticket using the “Business Center Question/Request Form”

9 How to Access SharePoint
Open College of Arts and Sciences website Select “Resources” at the top right and then under “Resources Quick Links” select “SharePoint Portal”

10 Types of Reports There are various reports that the Business Center will update Master Budget Budget vs Actual Expenses Endowments/Gifts Grant Summary Internal Order Ledger Monthly Reconciliations (Account Reconciliations) Vendor Payroll

11 Master Budget- Overall Recurring & Nonrecurring commitments (updated as changes occur)
Department Recurring Budget Department Non-Recurring Budget

12 Budget vs. Actual Expenses- Snapshot of all accounts (excluding grants) budget & expenses (updated through prior month end)

13 Endowments and Gifts- Detail of Endowments & Gifts (updated through prior month end)

14 Account Reconciliations – Vendor & Labor Detail (reconciled throughout the month)

15 Tracking Individual allocations
Statistical Internal Orders (SIO’s) can be used to track specific pots of money Faculty allocations, Visiting Speakers, Graduate Travel, Graduate Recruitment, Events, etc. The internal order ledger report is where these allocations are updated monthly We encumber the funds for an allocation with a Funds Reservation (FR) in SAP and liquidate as actual expenses charge The internal order numbers can be reused year-to-year, but we need to verify the budget amounts with each year. New SIO’s are created as needed. When submitting a triage ticket please refer to the specific title of your SIO so that it is allocated correctly Example: “Faculty Name – Department Allocation” **When the triage ticket indicates “Department Funds” we will charge the Departmental Expenses SIO unless you specify otherwise**

16 Internal Order Ledger

17 Online Tutorials

18 Online Tutorials

19 Questions?

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