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Animal Welfare and Rights

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Welfare and Rights"— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Welfare and Rights
Objective: Define animal welfare and rights issues

2 Animal Welfare Humane treatment of animals
Most animal producers and researchers believe in animal welfare support animal nutrition oppose cruel treatment

3 Animal Welfare Scientific information should be the basis for decisions, laws, and regulations related to animal welfare It is difficult to assess animal comfort because they do not talk and there are no universally accepted measures to use

4 Animal Rights Animal should not be used by humans
The issues of animal welfare and animal rights date back thousands of years to the ancient Greeks

5 Welfare vs Rights Welfare Rights No use whatsoever
Involves good treatment of animals Less radical Supported by most animal producers and researchers No use whatsoever Radical activities including violence Usually vegetarians

6 Laws Animal Welfare Act
sets standards for minimum care and treatment of animals used for commercial sale, research transported commercially or exhibited to the public. Originally passed in 1966, but revised numerous times. Most recent revision was in 2008. Health Research Extension Act passed in 1985 Sets standards for care of animals used for biomedical and behavioral research.

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