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Year 8 RE Revision List: June 2018

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1 Year 8 RE Revision List: June 2018
Be able to label a map of the Holy Land and know the different names it is known by. Learn the Jewish prayer the Shema Know about the Holy Land at the time of Jesus and what it was like growing up as a Jewish boy e.g. Bar Mitzvah, what happened on the Sabbath etc Know the different religious objects you would find in a Synagogue Learn the story of Jesus’ Baptism and know its meaning Know about the call of the disciples i.e. the call of the first four disciples and the call of Levi Be able to give examples of modern day disciples and the qualities they possess Know what a parable is and learn the Parable of the Sower Be able to explain what is meant by the term Kingdom of God. The New Testament, the Evangelists – Names, Dates, Symbols and meanings

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