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Instructions : Open on Common Drive – Crouchc – Intro

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions : Open on Common Drive – Crouchc – Intro"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions : Open on Common Drive – Crouchc – Intro
1. Complete the title page (according to what Species you were given. 2. Go through and count the number of pages you will need for your species – delete the ones you will not be using. 3. Google images of the breeds of your species. Copy images into the boxes provided – make the images large enough to easily see. (Make sure picture quality is high) 4. Name the Page with the correct breed name from the page that corresponds to the picture you just found! 5. Repeat until you are complete with your list. 6. Saving will be done onto a zip drive – do not close until

2 Vet Med Identification of Species
Toy Group

3 Cavalier king Charles spaniel

4 Chihuahua

5 Italian greyhound

6 Maltese

7 Miniature pinscher

8 Papillion

9 Pekingese

10 Pomeranian

11 poodle

12 pug

13 Shih Tzu

14 Silky terrier

15 Toy fox terrier

16 Yorkshire terrior

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