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Team Munchies Conceptual Design Review

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1 Team Munchies Conceptual Design Review
Fall 2010 Rev A Team Munchies Conceptual Design Review Daniel Sayle, Patrick Byrne, Sarah Kemp, Anne Mcleland, Katie Thompson 15/09/2010

2 Mission Overview - The purpose of the balloon satellite Astraios is to test whether or not red algae can survive the harsh environment of near space at an altitude of approximately 30,500 meters or 100,000 feet. - Possibility that our research can be applied to other extreme environments such as high mountains, the polar regions of the Earth, and the environment in which the first extra terrestrial settlements will be created when the terra-forming of Mars takes place.

3 Technical Overview Design Science
Algae Samples- 2 Cold, 2 Warm, 2 Sealed, 2 Not Sealed Sealed bags are pressurized at sea level, thus testing whether pressure or temperature will kill the algae sample The samples in the cold will be in cube offshoot(s) on top of main cube Two HOBOs- 1 for temperature and humidity, and 1 for pressure We will test the structure, tether connection, and insulation before launch in order to maximize likelihood of mission success




7 Special Features Our sat will contain 4 separate samples of algae. Two will be pressurized in plastic bags. We will place two samples in a structure integrated onto the outside of the cube to test the effects of extreme cold

8 Testing We will perform structure tests to ensure survivability
Once everything is assembled we will do a cooler test to make sure the sat will survive the extreme cold We will test the algae by- Placing it in a cooler of dry ice to test how it will survive We will also study it with a microscope to familiarize ourselves with its aspects

9 Management Daniel Sayle – Team Leader
Sarah Kemp – Financial and Budget Manager Anne McLeland – Vehicle and Payload Manager Katie Thompson – Science Manager and Technician Patrick Bryne – Mission Specialist

10 Schedule Date Event September 7, 2010 (T) Request for Proposals
September 16, 2010 (R) Conceptual Design Review (proposal/present) September 21, 2010 (T) [appt.] Authority to Proceed/Order Hardware October 5, 2010 (T) DD Rev A/B & CDR slides due October 7, 2010 (R) Critical Design Review (present) October 26, 2010 (T) Pre-Launch Inspection with Hardware (exterior testing must be complete) October 28, 2010 (R) Mission Simulation (All testing complete) November 2, 2010 (T) DD Rev C & LRR due (present) November 5, 2010 (F) [appt.] Final weigh in and TURN IN November 6, 2010 (Sat) LAUNCH November 9, 2010 (T) Have Raw Data November 30, 2010 (T) Final Presentation and Report due December 4, 2010 (Sat) Design Expo & DD Rev D due December 7, 2010 (T) Hardware TURN IN

11 Budget – Payload Item Weight Heater 100g Camera 220g HOBO (2) 60g
Temperature Probe  35g Batteries (2) 72g

12 Budget – Financial Item Place of Purchase Cost Algae
Gulf Coast Ecosystems $65 Pressure Sensor Space Grant N/A Batteries Target $40 Dry Ice Grocery Store $20  Total: $125

13 Fearless… Nuff said! Biggest Worries… Air Depletion UV Radiation
Lack of gases for algae to survive off UV Radiation Avoiding the mutation and death of the algae Temperature Extreme temperatures may cause algae to die Landing Impact Limiting damage to algae samples

14 Thank you, are there any Questions?
Team Munchies Conceptual Design Review

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