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Strengthening Team-based Education in Practice

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening Team-based Education in Practice"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening Team-based Education in Practice
Kathy Wilson, Natalie Holbery Presentation title

2 Strengthening Team-based Education in Practice : HEE Funded Project
A STEP APPROACH TO ENHANCING PRACTICE LEARNING Developing Placements in General Practice Enhancing Mentoring and Learning Experiences Integrated Care Experiences (Voluntary sector, Prisons, Care Homes) Presentation title

3 Some of the key influences

4 North Central and East London
Presentation title

5 STEP PROJECT 1) What would you change/introduce to enhance the student learning experience? Presentation title

6 STEP PROJECT 2) What would you change / introduce to enhance the support for mentors and others involved in learning in practice? Presentation title

7 Confidence and competence Professional Identity
Promoting Learning Expanding learning opps Leadership Working with qualified staff Positive role models. Observing, practicing, reflecting, questioning feedback Helping students understand the context of practice. Belongingness Socialisat-ion Situated Learning Confidence and competence Professional Identity

8 STEP THEMES 1) Orientation/ Socialisation
2) Student to Student Support 3) ‘Helpful Others’ Presentation title

9 STEP THEMES 4) Expansive Learning 5) Partnerships in Action
Presentation title

10 STEP PROJECT 3) After hearing about the project themes what would your top three priorities be? Presentation title

11 Presentation title

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