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The First World War Boys and Girls! War Savings Stamps Poster by James Montgomery Flagg 1917-18.

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Presentation on theme: "The First World War Boys and Girls! War Savings Stamps Poster by James Montgomery Flagg 1917-18."— Presentation transcript:

1 The First World War Boys and Girls! War Savings Stamps Poster by James Montgomery Flagg

2 The First World War: What? When?
War involving nearly all the nations of the world When?

3 Write out 10 descriptive words for this picture

4 The First World War: Causes Why? Long term -
1. Militarism Stockpiling of Weapons 2. Alliance system 3. Imperialist Competition 4. Nationalism The First World War: Causes Why? Short term - Assassination of Franz Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria and his Wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg one hour before their deaths, June 28, 1914

5 Like a snowball beginning to roll!
June 28, 1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria assassinated July 5, 1914 Germany issues A-H “blank check” pledging military assistance if A-H goes to war against Russia July 23, 1914 Austria issues Serbia an ultimatum July 28, 1914 A-H declares war on Serbia July 29, 1914 Russia orders full mobilization of its troops August 1,1914 Germany declares war on Russia August 2, 1914 Germany demands Belgium declare access to German troops

6 SO! SO! SO! SO! Sum it UP One thing led to another
Austria-Hungary, unsatisfied with Serbia's response to her ultimatum declared war on Serbia on 28 July 1914. SO! SO! Russia, bound by treaty to Serbia, announced mobilization of its vast army in her defense, a slow process that would take around six weeks to complete. SO! Germany, allied to Austria-Hungary by treaty, viewed the Russian mobilization as an act of war against Austria-Hungary, and after scant warning declared war on Russia on 1 August. France, bound by treaty to Russia, found itself at war against Germany and, by extension, on Austria-Hungary following a German declaration on 3 August.  Germany was swift in invading neutral Belgium so as to reach Paris by the shortest possible route.

7 Lets have SO! A War! SO! SO! Sum it UP One thing led to another
Britain, allied to France by a more loosely worded treaty which placed a "moral obligation" upon her to defend France, declared war against Germany on 4 August. SO! SO! United States President Woodrow Wilson declared a U.S. policy of absolute neutrality Japan, honouring a military agreement with Britain, declared war on Germany on 23 August 1914.  Two days later Austria-Hungary responded by declaring war on Japan.

8 The First World War: Who? Central Powers: Allies: Germany
Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Bulgaria Russia France Great Britain Italy Japan United States (1917)

9 The First World War: Where? 9

10 “Belgium is a country, not a road”
King Albert I of Belgium denied permission August 2, 1914 Germany declared war on France Why??? The Schlieffen Plan! August 4, 1914 Great Britain declared war on Germany for violating Belgian neutrality

11 The Schlieffen Plan’s Destructive Nature

12 The Schlieffen Plan Invade western front 1st
After defeating France concentrate on the Eastern front Avoid fighting a 2 front war

13 The Schlieffen Plan’s Destructive Nature
Germany made vast encircling movement through Belgium to enter Paris Underestimated speed of the British mobilization Quickly sent troops to France

14 The Schlieffen Plan’s Destructive Nature
Sept 6-10, 1914 Battle of Marne Stopped the Germans but French troops were exhausted Both sides dug trenches for shelter STALEMATE


16 1914 – 1915 Illusions and Stalemate
Many Europeans were excited about war “Defend yourself against the aggressors” Domestic differences were put aside

17 1914 – 1915 Illusions and Stalemate
War would be over in a few weeks Ignored the length and brutality of the American Civil War (prototype to World War I)

18 1914 – 1915 Illusions and Stalemate
Belief that Modern industrial war could not be conducted for more than a few months “Home by Christmas”

19 1914 – 1915 Illusions and Stalemate
“Fatal attraction of war” Exhilarating release from every day life A glorious adventure War would rid the nations of selfishness Spark a national re-birth based on heroism

20 The Trenches Trenches dug from English Channel to Switzerland
Trench Design Trenches dug from English Channel to Switzerland 6,250 miles 6 to 8 feet deep Immobilized both sides for 4 years

21 The Trenches Trench Design



24 Life in the Trenches Elaborate systems of defense barbed wire
What’s it like? Elaborate systems of defense barbed wire Concrete machine gun nests Mortar batteries Troops lived in holes underground

25 Life in the Trenches Soldiers read to pass the time
Boredom Soldiers read to pass the time Sarah Bernhardt came out to the front to read poetry to the soldiers

26 “Death is everywhere” “We all had on us the stench of dead bodies.” Death numbed the soldier’s minds. Shell shock Psychological devastation

27 “Death is everywhere” Mustard gas Carried by the wind
Where is it coming from? Mustard gas Carried by the wind Burned out soldier’s lungs Deadly in the trenches where it would sit at the bottom

28 Life in the Trenches Trench warfare baffled military leaders
Attempt a breakthrough Then return to a war of movement Millions of young men sacrificed attempting the breakthrough

29 Battle of Verdun 10 months 700,000 men killed

30 Battle of Verdun 10 months 700,000 men killed

31 The changes of war New Technologies
New weapons crippled the “frozen front” Poison gas (mustard gas) Hand grenades Flame throwers Tanks Airplanes Subs

32 The changes of war Airplanes Dog fights in the air Bombing inaccurate
Romanticized the battlefields Paris and London bombed Pilots fired pistols and threw hand grenades

33 The Eastern Front Defeated
Russian army moved into Eastern Germany on August 30, 1914 Defeated The Austrians kicked out of Serbia Italians attacked Austria in 1915 G. came to Austrian aid and pushed Russians back 300 miles into own territory

34 The Eastern Front Much more mobile more than the West
But loss of life still very high 1915: 2.5 million Russians killed, captured, or wounded

35 The Eastern Front Germany and Austria Hungary joined by Bulgaria in Sept. 1915 Attacked and eliminated Serbia from war

36 Why did it take so long for America to get involved in the war?
America was isolationist “Why should I get involved in someone else’s problems”

37 Thinking Slide: Is isolationism really an option for a country as powerful as the United States?

38 Which side should the US pick?
Central Powers: Allies: 11 million German-Americans Irish-Americans hated Great Britain Close cultural ties Shared transatlantic cables (so censored stories) Big business loaned much $ to allies US Exports to both sides:

39 What did it take to get the US involved?
1. Blockades Britain blockaded (stopped) all German ships going to America Germany announced a submarine war around Britain Y-53 German Submarine 1916

40 What did it take to get the US involved?
1. Blockades In May, 1915 Germany told Americans to stay off of British ships They could/would sink them

41 What did it take to get the US involved?
1. Blockades Lusitania torpedoed, sinking with 1200 passengers and crew (including 128 Americans) Was eventually found to be carrying 4200 cases of ammunition German Propaganda Justifying Lusitania sinking

42 What did it take to get the US involved?
1. Blockades The US sharply criticized Germany for their action Germany agreed not to sink passenger ships without warning in the future Note in Bottle After Lusitania Disaster

43 What did it take to get the US involved?
2. Unlimited Submarine Warfare 1917 Germany announced “unlimited submarine warfare” in the war zone Why? Otherwise their blockade would not be successful

44 What did it take to get the US involved?
3. Zimmerman Note US intercepted a note from Germany to Mexico, It promised Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona back in return for an alliance

45 What did it take to get the US involved?
Zimmerman Note + the sinking of 4 unarmed American ships led to a declaration of war

46 Thinking Slide: Should we tell the story of WWI with Germany as the “bad guy”? Explain.

47 How was the war looking for the allies?
Not Good... Russia left the war after its communist revolution in 1917 Made it a one front war for Germany - all its troops could concentrate on France

48 Convincing the American People
Posters - Gee!! How do you think this poster helped to convince the American people that the war was a good idea?

49 Convincing the American People
Idealism: 2 Goals For War: 1. War to End All Wars 2. Making the World Safe for Democracy

50 Convincing the American People
Idealism: Fourteen Points What? President Wilson’s Plan for after the war Fourteen promises, including freedom of the seas & a League of Nations to work for peace President Woodrow Wilson

51 What did the US do to help?
Supplies: US provided the food, money, and fresh toops needed to win the war American Troops March Through London

52 How did the War Affect the US?
Women Women filled factory jobs May have led 19th Ammendment after the war (Gave women the right to vote) African Americans Black soldiers still served in Segregated Units “Great Migration” - thousands of African Americans moved North to work in factories

53 The Home Front Received lower wages than males
Food shortages made running a household difficult

54 The Home Front Censorship Not told about high death toll
Romanticized the battlefields “soldiers have died a beautiful death, in noble battle, we shall rediscover poetry…epic and chivalrous”

55 The Home Front Censorship
“Newspapers described troops as itching to go over the top.” “Government reported to the press that life in the trenches promoted good health and clear air”

56 The Home Front “On Leave”
Troops would stay together so they could sympathize with each other

57 The Home Front Impossible to hide death Women in mourning
Badly wounded soldiers returned home Opposition began to emerge

58 How did the War Affect the US?
Enforcing Loyalty Hatred of all things German Ex. “Liberty Cabbage” Espionage Act 1917 & Sedition Act of 1918 punished those against the war (many labor leaders)


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