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Conscription Crisis (1917)

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1 Conscription Crisis (1917)
What is conscription? Pg & in Counterpoints

2 Three Key Figures Wilfrid Laurier Robert Borden
Leader of the Opposition (former Liberal PM) Robert Borden Prime Minister (Conservative) Quebec Nationalist leader (Anti-conscription)

3 Laurier: “Do not choose a French Canadian
Laurier: “Do not choose a French Canadian. The situation of a French Canadian Prime Minister is impossible and he can nothing for his people.”

4 Conscription Crisis (1917)
Prime Minister Borden broke his promise of no conscription to Canada in 1917 in WWI. Military Service Act was introduced, which made compulsory enlistment (conscription), even if someone didn’t believe in the war. Conscription divided Canada in half: English for conscription, French against it

5 1917 Election Prime Minister Borden called an election, and conscription would be the only issue, but he changed the rules Military Voters Act (1917) Allowed men and women serving overseas to vote Wartime Elections Act (1917) Gave the vote to all Canadian women directly related to servicemen (wives, mothers, sisters) Cancelled the vote for conscientious objectors and immigrants from enemy countries in the last 15 years


7 Prime Minister Borden (Conservative), invited Liberals to join him in a Union Government because Liberal leader Wilfrid Laurier was against conscription The Liberals lost support outside Quebec, and the conservatives easily won the election. LOOK AT THE RESULTS OF THE UNION GOVERNMENT ON PAGE 41


9 Conscription in WWII Prime Minister Mackenzie King promised there would be no conscription at the beginning of WWII.

10 But in 1942, PM King held a plebiscite (question vote) to see if Canadians would allow the gov’t to use conscription. All provinces in Canada (except) Quebec voted yes. Quebec was betrayed again!!!


12 Canada Divided PM King famously stated “Not necessarily conscription, but conscription if necessary.” WHY? However, in 1944, PM King decided to send conscripts overseas to fight in Europe, and Quebec was betrayed again



15 CLASS DEBATE QUESTION: Should Canada, or any other country (Korea), be allowed to use conscription during wartime? Why or why not? How about during peacetime? Example: Russia

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