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DEFINE PARABLE Jesus the Christ Cards

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1 DEFINE PARABLE Jesus the Christ Cards Many of the events of Jesus’ life, and many of the stories—or parables—that he told, took place in and around the simple homes in which ordinary people lived. Jesus used the parables to teach people about God in a way that they would understand and remember. His stories often reflected features of people’s everyday lives, such as farming, fishing, working in the vineyards, shepherds and their flocks, and other things that would have been familiar to them. They were definitely earthly stories with heavenly meanings. The parables of Jesus will always remain the very center and heart of the teachings of Christ. They summarize what Jesus thought and taught and lived. Good Samaritan Lost Sheep Prodigal Son Rich Young Fool Lost Coin

2 DEFINE PARABLE Who told these Parables?? 1. Story with a bad ending
2. Story that is not true 3. An earthy story with a heavenly meaning Who told these Parables??

3 DEFINE MIRACLE Jesus and His servants used many special “signs”, “wonders” or mighty acts of God of supernatural means to fulfill the word of God. These were remarkable happenings beyond or contrary to the laws of nature, performed through divine power. The Bible always recognizes the power of God as the ultimate source of such events. Approximately one hundred such supernatural events are recorded in the Old Testament beginning with Creation itself (Gen. 1). Miracles in the New Testament were performed by Jesus and His Apostles, but they required faith, both to perform and to be benefited by. There are 35 miracles of Jesus recorded in the New Testament. First Miracle: Water Turned into Wine Calms the Storm Healing Blind Man Feeding the Five thousand Jairus’ Daughter Raised

4 DEFINE MIRACLE 1. Something everyone could do 2. A Magic show
3. A supernatural act of God or His Apostles Can miracles be performed today??? Jesus used miracles to _________the word of God

5 TITLES OF JESUS CHRIST—The Anointed One (Greek word)
MESSIAH—The anointed One (Hebrew word) One who is chosen by God for a special office. LORD—Ruler, commander or one who possesses authority. Used for those to whom one wishes to show respect. IMMANUEL—As recorded in Matt. 1:23 this prophecy is quoted in connection with the birth of Christ and as recorded, our Lord was to be called “Emmanuel”, a most fitting naming, attesting to the belief that Jesus was truly “God with us.” SAVIOR—Title of Jesus Christ, in whom God’s saving activity reaches its climax! MEDIATOR– The title mediator reaches its pinnacle in Christ, who served both as God’s representative to man, and man’s representative to God (The reason we pray in Jesus name.) ADVOCATE—This word is used to refer to Jesus, who is our advocate in the first two senses particularly, making intercession on the basis of His atoning work while on earth.

6 M------- C----- M------ L--- S---- A------- I-------
Give as many titles of Jesus as you can—first letters of ones mentioned are below: M C----- M------ L--- S---- A I OTHER TITLES: Son of _______ Lamb of _______

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