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Texas Title 1 Priority Schools Grant

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1 Texas Title 1 Priority Schools Grant

2 TTIPS – Four Campuses Sam Houston High School Fox Tech High School
Navarro Academy S. J. Davis Middle School

3 Texas Title 1 Priority Schools
The TTIPS Grant, Texas’ version of the School Improvement Grant, was established to help schools across the state that have the greatest growth opportunities Although the program has specific requirements determined by federal regulation, it also provides local districts ground breaking opportunities to make “bold choices for a bright future.” Four SAISD Schools have been awarded the TTIPS Grant to implement transformational school improvement.

4 What is Transformation designed to do?
Increase Student Achievement Increase Principal Effectiveness Increase Teacher Effectiveness Improve Instruction thru targeted PD Promote Community Oriented Schools Provide Operational Flexibility to Schools

5 Common Components at our TTIPS Schools
Strong Ties to Community Outreach Programs Rededication : Recommitment To School Improvement Performance Based Compensation System College and Career Readiness Culture Increased use of Data to Drive Instruction Parent Engagement And Education Extended Learning Time/Schedule Modification Positive Behavior Intervention System

6 Program Evaluation All TTIPS schools participate in an extensive program evaluation throughout the school year: Conference calls with the SIRC Program Manager every 90 days. Set agenda in which the principal is asked to lead the discussion. Quarterly Implementation Reports (QIR) - reflects the implementation of activities tied to a particular CSF. The QIR is a compliance report that measures the depth of implementation of the CSF. 90 Day Report - this is a planning document of activities that the school will engage in over a 90 day period that documents the strategies utilized for a particular CSF for the 90 day period. This is turned into the SIRC office every 90 days. Yearly Site Visit – a team from TEA visits the campus and meets with the Principal, visit classrooms, has private meetings with the principal, Shepherd, teacher leaders, parents, and students. Findings are compiled and sent to the Shepherd, PSP, and Principal. End of Year Report EOY – due August 1 and is measured against the stated goals determined by the campus and other data sets.

7 TTIPS Principal/Teacher Evaluation Where Are We Now and Next Steps
This campus is a participant of the Texas Title 1 Priority Schools Grant better known as TTIPS. Requirements of the grant include Incentive Pay and a Principal/ Teacher Evaluation System which directly impacts significant student growth. TTIPS schools will pilot the TEA PDAS Redesign Evaluation System for the with full implementation during the school year. Training for teachers will be held online using Teachscape.

8 Side by Side of Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching vs
Side by Side of Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching vs. Professional Development Appraisal System…PDAS Charlotte Danielson Model Current SAISD PDAS Four Domains Four Ratings Value Added, looking for growth not necessarily how many students passed or failed Students on a teacher’s roster at Snapshot Date will be the students that reflect a teacher’s value added for each student. Principals and Adm. teams will use an IPAD APP to conduct observations. The APP provides a feature called Time Stamping so that every sentence that the principal writes will be time stamped. All teachers will be rolled back to a standard appraisal Teachers will complete Teacher Self-Reports Part 1 and 2 Eight Domains Four Ratings No Value Added Currently Principals and Administrative teams use online Eduphoria to complete appraisals Teachers complete Teacher Self Report Part 1 and 2

9 Critical Success Factors
For each additional improvement activity entered, enter the Critical Success Factor Code(s) from this table, enter the LEA/campus’ rationale for including the activity, provide the supporting research that indicates the activity will be effective, and indicate the beginning and ending date of the activity. 1 – Improve Academic Performance, including (but not limited to) Reading/ELA and Math A. Data-driven instruction B. Curriculum Alignment (both horizontal and vertical) C. On-going Monitoring of Instruction 2 – Increase the Use of Quality Data to Drive Instruction A. Data Disaggregation/Training B. Data-driven Decisions C. On-going Communication 3 – Increase Leadership Effectiveness A. On-going Job Embedded Professional Development B. Operational Flexibility C. Resource/Data Utilization 4 – Increase Learning Time A. Flexible Scheduling B. Instructionally-focused Calendar C. Staff Collaborative Planning 5 – Increase Parent/Community Involvement A. Increased Opportunities for Input B. Effective Communication C. Accessible Community Services 6 – Improve School Climate A. Increased Attendance B. Decreased Discipline Referrals C. Increased Involvement in Extra/Co-Curricular Activities 7 – Increase Teacher Quality A. Locally Developed Appraisal Instruments B. On-going Job Embedded Professional Development C. Recruitment/Retention Strategies

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