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Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software

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1 Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software
Session 11 – Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software Lei lei Mon - WHO

2 Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software
The data to be prepared depends on the types of objects to appear on the map Fixed objects that can be represented by a point (health facility, village, school, …) Fixed objects that can be represented by a line or polygons to which information/statistics can be linked (admin boundaries, road, river,…) “Mobile” objects (patients, health workers, vehicle,…) Continuous geospatial data (Digitial Elevation Model (DEM), landcover,…)

3 Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software
What is needed? 1. For fixed objects that can be represented by a point (health facility, EPI communities) 1 Master list Master list with unique identifier, admin divisions and geographic coordinates Coordinates used to create a GIS layer (points) 2 Unique identifier included in the statistics/information table Statistics/information table Unique identifier allows joining the statistics/information to the GIS layer

4 Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software
What is needed? 2. For fixed objects that can be represented by lines (e.g. roads, rivers) or polygons (e.g. RHC and SubRHC reporting divisions) 1 Master list Complete, up-to-date master list with unique identifier + identifier included in the attribute table of the GIS layer 3 identifier included in the Statistics/information table 2 GIS Layer (shapefile) Identifier allows joining the statistics/information with the GIS layer

5 1 Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software What is needed?
3. For “Mobile” objects (e.g. Target population, Human resources) Village 1 ID: Place of care Complete, up-to-date master list with unique identifier and fields to attach to a fixed geographic objects (e.g., the place of care, of residence,… through respective unique identifier) ID: HF12034 Admin division Aggregated Statistics table

6 Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software
What is needed? 4. Fixed objects that can be represented by a continuous features (terrain morphology, land cover, flood-prone areas…) + 1 The GIS Layer (generally raster format) 2 Classification(if not already included in the layer itself) 5. Basemaps Nothing needed except the access to the basemap layer which is most likely going to be through internet

7 Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software
What is needed? What you will mostly be doing is to link statistics/information to a shape file to create a thematic map + The unique identifier is key!

8 Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software
Geospatial data The compilation is meant to have led to shape files that are presenting: The same geographic coordinate system if more than one layer to be included on the map (good practice to also use the same projected coordinate system) An attribute table that present the same structure and content (especially the unique identifier) than the corresponding master list The geography in the shape file that matches the geography of the statistical/information data that you want to represent on the map This will be practiced during exercise 3 “Preparing the geospatial data for the Taungdwingyi Township (exercise) “

9 Statistical/information data – Things to avoid
Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software Statistical/information data – Things to avoid Columns used for spacing Merged cells Information stored at the top of the table itself Long headers Duplicates of record Numbers displayed as text Spaces, special characters hyphens, or symbols in the header name Multiple information stored in a single column Data inconsistency between records

10 Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software
Statistics/information – Proper data structure GIS software expect: Well formatted data organized in rows and columns: One record (health facility, village,..) per row One statistic/information per column The use of the same unique identifier as in the attribute table from the shape file Important to use the unique identifier from the master list like in the shape file

11 Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software
Statistics/information – Proper data structure Other useful information from the master list Unique identifier from the master list Statistics/information One record (health facility) per line One statistic/information per column This will be practiced during exercise 3

12 Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software
Statistics/information – Data consistency between records The way the Statistics/information is captured should be consistent between records to allow for proper representation on the map: Names should always spelled the same way Number should use the same format

13 Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software
Statistics/information – Data confidentiality Concerns both the statistics/information and geospatial data The statistics/information should be anonymized before being linked to geospatial data Precisely locating certain information on a map might allow locating the person in question even without mentioning its name (sexe, age, marital status, job,…) Great attention should be put on this issue

14 Preparing the data for its use in a GIS software
In conclusion Preparing a good map might require for you to spend: 70% of your available time to prepare good data Collecting, checking, cleaning, validating, formatting, linking with other data 20% to create the map 10% to check the resulting map, make potential adjustments A good map is made of good data!

15 Preparing the microplanning data for its use in a GIS software
Two types of maps will be used to support the process Map Type 1: Base microplanning maps Purpose: to support the microplanning process at RHC and SRHC level Audience: RHC supervisor and SRHC midwives Medium: hardcopy Map Type 2: M & E maps Purpose: to support M&E of microplanning at township level for the 6-months and annual reviews Audience: TMO and EPI focal Medium: hardcopy & electronic What data do we need for preparing these maps?

16 Preparing the microplanning data for its use in a GIS software
Two types of maps will be used to support the process Map Type 1: Base microplanning maps Geospatial data: Location of health facilities with names location of EPI communities Transportation networks Landscape features/geographic barriers (rivers and water bodies) Boundaries of SubRHC and RHC reporting areas Attributes: Distances between EPI communities and health facilities Map Type 2: Monitoring & Evaluation maps Geospatial data Location of health facilities Boundaries of RHC reporting areas Attributes Cold chain equipment, Human resources RHC performance (e.g. immunization coverage, nbr of unimmunized children, target population)

17 Preparing the microplanning data for its use in a GIS software
Since microplanning statistics and information are recorded in paper- based format, 4 steps are required to prepare them for use in a GIS software: 1. From paper-based microplans to a machine-readable format (excel) 2. Include the unique ID in the statistics/information table Exercise 2 Unique identifier allows joining the statistics/information to the GIS layer Population data.xls 3. Prepare the geospatial data 4. Joining the statistical table to the relevant GIS layer Exercise 3 Target population (< 1 years old by EPI community)

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