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Progressive Era Changes

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1 Progressive Era Changes

2 Reasons of Reform Protect social welfare Promote moral improvement
Foster Efficiency Economic Reform

3 Sources for Reform - I World-wide Socialist Movement Labor Unions
Karl Marx Communist Manifesto effect Income differences from Industrial Revolution Labor Unions Knights of Labor, AFL, IWW African American groups Niagara Movement and W.E.B. DuBois Immigrant surge Settlement Houses (Hull House and Jane Addams)

4 Sources for reform II Media Political Machine Corruption Backlash
Increase in newspapers and magazines Political Machine Corruption Backlash Tammany Hall, Stalwarts, Mugwumps, Populists Disagreement with Social Darwinism Corporations and Monopolies Post Civil War Boom and Bust economy Panics of 1873 and 1893, Coxey’s Army Industrial Age Income gap Robber Barons to Tenement Houses

5 How were the Progressives and Populist alike and different?

6 Muckrakers Termed coined by Teddy Roosevelt for reported that exposed the wrong-doings in society Many magazines such as McClure’s and Collier’s ran expose’ Books that showed problems Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser showed plight of single women in cities The Shame of the Cities by Lincoln Steffens and How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis showed urban plight

7 Famous Muckrakers Upton Sinclair The Jungle (1906) Ida Tarbell
About the meat-packing industry and against idea of caveat emptor Two laws directly related: Meat Inspection Act 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act 1906 Ida Tarbell History of the Standard Oil Company (1902) Against monopolies Why?

8 Social Gospel Effects The idea of assisting the Economically or Socially disadvantaged Main leaders: White middle-class protestant women Involved in new Social Science fields and Social Work Would be key in several movements during the Progressive era Antimonopoly Suffrage Temperance Settlement House movement Many in leadership roles

9 African-Americans Booker T. Washington – idea of self-help
Tuskegee Institute Atlanta Compromise W.E.B. DuBois – push for civil rights Niagara movement and start of the NAACP Marcus Garvey – 1920s, separation idea emerges Guinn v. U.S. case – made Grandfather Clause illegal But was there much support from the WASPs? Was the Progressive movement actually bad for black Americans?

10 Suffrage Movement Background
Seneca Falls Convention and Declaration of Sentiments Stanton and Susan B. Anthony in the 1800s Women’s Universities Western Women ability to vote National American Women Suffrage Assoc. (NAWSA) Carrie Chapman Catt National Women’s Party Alice Paul Later pushes for ERA - _____ _____ ____ 19th Amendment (1920) How did women end up voting?

11 Labor Changes Unions push for safety Taylorism / Scientific Management
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire 1911 – 146 killed Taylorism / Scientific Management Idea of efficiency Henry Ford and the assembly line Child Labor (Mother) Mary Jones Keating –Owen Act (1916) Later overturned by S.C., but impact felt More mandatory schooling

12 Temperance Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) 18th Amendment
Frances Willard 18th Amendment Passes in 1920 Volstead Act Enforcement of Amendment Why approved? Any aspect with immigrants?

13 Reflection Questions What was the background to all the changes that took place in the Progressive movement? Can some of the Progressive Movement changes be traced to race and how? Why and how were women involved in the Progressive Movement changes? How did muckrakers make an impact and what are some examples of the changes?

14 Links - parody
– another parody – Iron Jawed Angels Washington Parade (4:40) – another suffrage parody – Review lesson

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