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BY:caroline,shay and caitie

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1 BY:caroline,shay and caitie
Miami tribe BY:caroline,shay and caitie

2 Where did their name come from?
Miami comes from Miami-Illinois word Myaamia, which means-”allies”

3 Where were they located?
The miami indians had their original homeland in indiana,illinois,michigan,and ohio.

4 What type of shelter did they live in?
The Miamis didn’t live in tepees. They lived in villages of small oval houses with walls made of woven reeds.

5 What language do the miami speak?
The miami tribe speaks english.

6 How did the children live?
They do the same why we do - play, ride bikes , and walk to school together and clean around the house.

7 What special jobs do the men have and the women have?
Miami Indian men were hunters. Mimi women were farmers they didn’t do much cooking.

8 What is their clothing like?
Miami women wore skirts and legging. Miami men wore breechcloths.

9 What special weapons,tools or artifacts did they use?
Miami hunters and warriors used bows and arrows,tomahawks,and spears

10 What type of transportation did they use before cars came along?
Miami Indians made a dugout canoes by hollowing out large trees.

11 Do they interact with any other tribes
The Miamis traded with all other tribes of great lakes region,and sometimes with tribes that lived further away.

12 j Fun Facts There are about 500 members of the Miami tribe of oklahoma today. The Miamis were farming people. Miami food crops included corn, beans, and squash.


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