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Universal Credit in Dorset – Lets Talk 2
LA Perspective Tina Frampton
Housing Benefit gateway
The Housing Benefit gateway closed for most working age customers when UC Full Service went live This means that we CAN NOT accept a new HB claim from a working age customer unless they: Are Pension Age – can not claim UC Have 3 or more children – can not claim UC currently Live in Specified Accommodation – can not claim Housing Costs under UC Live in Temporary Accommodation - can not claim Housing Costs under UC We triage all new claims received daily to ensure they are eligible to claim HB
Changes and announcements in 2018
We can award an additional two weeks HB to customers who transition for HB to UC. The additional two weeks payment is paid at a rate equal to their maximum eligible rent and not their calculated entitlement. Local Authorities (LA) have a statutory duty to secure accommodation for unintentionally homeless people. Where LA has accepted a duty and provided temporary accommodation HB can be claimed to cover the rental liability. Letter from Neil Couling on 7 June 2018 announcing those with Severe Disability Premium will remain on legacy benefits even if their circumstances change. Once migration starts they will receive transitional protection if they are worse off on UC – Regulations still not laid – expected now January 2019. From April 2018 funding for UC support locally will cease for LA’s and be transferred to CAB. No detail surrounding this as yet.
Specified or Exempt Accommodation
HB can still be claimed to cover housing costs for Specified/Exempt accommodation LA determines if the accommodation meets the criteria to claim HB Landlord must be: Registered Housing Provider Registered Charity Non-Profit Organisation Non-metropolitan County Council
Specified or Exempt accommodation continued
Care, support and supervision (CSS) must be provided and REQUIRED It must be more than minimal (case law indicates more than 3 hours per week) Exempt Accommodation- CSS must be provided by or on behalf of the Landlord Specified Accommodation- CSS can be provided by care provider arranged through Adult Social Care but tenant must have been placed in the property in order to receive the CSS
Intensive Housing Management
CSS is not defined in legislation but there is much case law available that provides guidance Intensive Housing Management can be deemed to be CSS This mainly consists of the Landlords providing housing related services over and above those provided in general needs accommodation eg: Support around claiming HB Adaptations required after letting Dealing with appointees/support workers Extra time dealing with tenancy related matters
HB for UC customers For Pension age and customers with 3 or more children HB claims are straight forward because they will not be in receipt of UC at all. Customers living in Specified/Exempt or Temporary Accommodation could still be getting UC for their living costs but must claim HB for housing costs HB will be paid at maximum eligible rent (less any non-dependant deductions) for customers receiving UC
Discretionary Housing Payments
The LA is still responsible for administering the DHP budget helping those struggling to meet housing costs For customers in receipt of UC this must include the Housing Costs element in order for DHP to be considered The application process is still the same and a form must be completed and submitted to the LA Since UC Full Service went live we have awarded DHP amounting to £87, to customers on UC 62 payments were lump sum amounts to clear rent arrears and prevent eviction – the highest of these was £
Impacts on LA Benefits Team
We receive electronic files daily from the DWP which advise us of UC awards for customers in our area. These files will advise us of new awards to UC as well of any changes to awards of UC. Officers have to check all files received daily and where required they revise the LCTS in line with the UC award details provided. This will result in an amended Council Tax bill being produced as the amount payable will change as the LCTS changes. Since UC Full Service rollout the volume of files received is increasing month on month. The below table shows how many files have been received in the last 11 months: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct WDDC 474 666 688 771 951 911 1284 915 901 1034 WPBC 592 772 849 1143 1300 1074 1103 1133 1118 1228 PDC 75 161 274 354 405 424 437 465 451 544
Impacts continued… We are currently paying LCTS to 1518 customers in receipt of UC across our 3 Local Authority areas We are currently paying HB to 95 customers in receipt of UC (these will be those in Supported Accommodation or Temporary Accommodation) Housing Benefit Caseload WDDC WPBC PDC Jan 2018 5461 5256 2398 Nov 2018 4792 4443 2107 Reduction 669 813 291
Local Government re-organisation in Dorset
The current two tier system of local government in Dorset is changing from 1 April 2019 and the nine existing councils will be replaced by the following two unitary councils: • Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council, which will provide services covering that area • Dorset Council, which will provide services covering the rest of the County. Currently SVPP provide Revs and Bens services for EDDC and NDDC, this arrangement will continue initially but with closer working arrangements. New council means new boundaries so for customers moving around the area we will be considering changes in circumstances rather than new claims!
Local Council Tax Support Consultation
It has already been agreed that we need to change our Local Council Tax Support Scheme There is commitment to implement an aligned scheme for the new Dorset Council We are also looking to reduce the number of changes we apply from monthly revised UC awards. This is making the administration of the scheme extremely complicated and is very challenging for customers. The consultation on proposed new scheme is live now and will run until 10 December – there are 3 options proposed. Have your say at
Latest news and budget announcements
Just two weeks after managed migration was extended by a further year, a new 6 month “contingency period” has been added to bring the new proposed end date to June 2024 Revised timetable on movement of Pensioner HB to Pension Credit – earliest date now 2023. From July 2020 customers moving from Income Related JSA and ESA or Income Support will receive an additional 2 weeks money as well From April 2019 work allowance increased for those with children or disabled – earn more before UC award is withdrawn From July 19 Extension of 12 month grace period for self employed – Minimum Income Floor will come in later to allow time to grow business – how long will this extension be? From October 2019 reduction to the maximum rate of deductions for debt recovery from 40% to 30% From October 2021 repayment of advance UC payments will be extended from 12 months to 16 months
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