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Obstetric Instruments

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1 Obstetric Instruments
Dr. Madhavi Karki

2 SIM’S SPECULUM: The blades are of unequal breadth to facilitate the introduction into the vagina depending on its size. It is used in obstetrics for : 1. To toilet the vagina following delivery 2. To visualize any injured site on the cervix or vagina 3. To inspect any local lesion causing bleeding either in APH/ threatened abortion 4.During D+E operation

It is used to catch hold the anterior lip of the cervix in D+E operation. As it produces trauma to the soft and vascular cervix, Allis tissue forceps is used instead.

4 ALLIS TISSUE FORCEPS It is used to catch hold of the anterior lip of the cervix in D+E operation. To hold the episiotomy wound during repair To catch hold of the torn ends of the sphincter ani externus prior to suture in repair of complete perineal tear To hold the margins and angles of uterine flaps in LSCS

5 UTERINE SOUND It is a pointed, graduated, malleable, metallic uterine sound. It is used prior to dilatation of the cervix in D+E operation to know the length of the uterine cavity and to note the position of the uterus

6 Cervical Dilators: It is used in dilatation of the cervix
prior to evacuation operation. Degree of dilatation required: Incomplete abortion – sufficient to introduce the index finger In suction evacuation – one size smaller than the size of suction cannula In M.T.P by D+E- sufficient to introduce the ovum forceps

7 OVUM FORCEPS: It has got no catch and the blades are slightly bent. Absence of the catch minimizes uterine injury, if accidentally caught or crushing of conceptus.

8 UTERINE CURETTE: It maybe sharp at both the ends or sharp at one end and blunt at the other. Its common use in obstetrics is in the D+C for incomplete abortion In D+E operation, the curette is done by blunt curette as uterine wall is very soft.

9 Plastic Suction Cannula (Karman’s)
It is of different sizes and the approximate size required for a particular case equals to the weeks of pregnancy to be terminated The plastic cannula has got advantages over a metallic one- as it causes less damage to the uterine wall and the products sucked out can be visible. The vacuum must be broken before withdrawal

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