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AQA Theme B – Religion and Life
January 2019 AQA Theme B – Religion and Life 1st Can you define abortion? What is the legal limit for abortion in the UK? Give 2 places where abortion is illegal Give 2 places where abortion is legal Give 3 reasons why someone maybe against abortion Give 3 reasons why someone might agree with abortion 2nd Can you define afterlife? What do Catholics believe happens after death? What does a Muslim believe happens after death? What does an Anglican believe happens after death? What does a Hindu believe happens after death? What does an atheist happens after death? 3rd Can you define animal rights? Give 3 ways humans use animals Give 3 ways humans abuse animals “all animals should have the same rights as humans” – what do you think? Give 2 reasons for your point of view What is a vegetarian? What is a pescatarian? What is a vegan? 4th Can you define awe? Give 2 examples from the natural world that could cause awe What is wonder? Give one quote or teaching from Christianity about awe and wonder Give one quote or teaching from Islam about awe and wonder Give 2 examples of how humans abuse the natural world Explain how awe and wonder link to God 5th Can you define the Big Bang theory? What time frame for creation is suggested by the Big Bang Theory? What does the term theory mean? “the Big Bang theory proves that God does not exist” – give 2 reasons why someone might agree with this statement “the Big Bang theory proves that God does not exist” – give 2 reasons why someone might disagree with this statement 6th Can you define Charles Darwin? “Evolutionary theory proves that God does not exist” – give 2 reasons why someone might agree with this statement “Evolutionary theory proves that God does not exist” – give 2 reasons why someone might disagree with this statement Name Charles Darwin’s book that contains his theory of evolution Where did Darwin observe foreign finches? 7th Can you define creation? If read literally from Genesis how much time did it take God to create the universe. List the order of creation according to Genesis How is the creation account and the Big Bang Theory similar? “The Bible’s account of creation is outdated” – do you agree? Give a reason for your point of view. 8th Can you define conception? According to the Catholic Church life begins at conception – what does this mean? Give 2 arguments to support life does not begin at conception Give 2 ways conception could be prevented Explain how conception inks to abortion 9th Can you define conservation? Give 2 ways humans destroy the planet Explain how dominion links to how humans treat the planet Explain how stewardship links to conservation Give 2 ways someone could conserve national resources Give 3 examples of pollution – remember Air/Land/Sea 10th Can you define dominion? Give 3 ways that humans show their dominion over animals Give 3 ways humans show their dominion over natural resources Give 2 Bible quotes/teachings that support humans have dominion over God’s creation “humans were created last so they can do what they want” – What do you think? Give 2 reasons for your point of view 11th Can you define environment? What is a habitat? What is palm oil? What natural resources do humans use in their everyday lives? How do humans affect the sea? How do humans affect the sky? How do humans affect the land? 12th Can you define euthanasia? Give the 4 types of euthanasia “Euthanasia is always wrong” –what do you think? Give 2 reasons for your point of view Give 2 places where euthanasia is illegal Give 2 places where euthanasia is not illegal Explain the differences between assisted suicide and euthanasia
AQA Theme B – Religion and Life
January 2019 AQA Theme B – Religion and Life 13th Can you define passive euthanasia? Can you define active euthanasia? Can you define voluntary euthanasia? Can you define involuntary euthanasia? Give 3 reasons why someone might want to be euthanised Give 3 reasons why people disagree with euthanasia Give 3 reasons why people agree with euthanasia 14th Explain how a hospice is different than a hospital Explain how a hospice is similar to a hospital Give 3 reasons why someone might go to a hospice What does a hospice offer the family of the person who is in the hospice How does the hospice show they value the sanctity of life? Who can have hospice care? 15th “it is possible to accept both religious and scientific accounts of the creation of the world” – do you agree? Give 2 reasons to explain your view. Do you think humans should be responsible to take care of the planet? What does ‘subdue it’ mean? What is s Bible fundamentalist? What is a Bible literalist? 16th “Religious people should do more to take care of the planet” – what do you think? Give 2 reasons for your point of view. Why might someone disagree with you? Who was at the meeting at Assisi? What did the meeting at Assisi decide? Give 4 examples of how people can reduce their waste 17th Can you define evolution? What did God permit Noah to eat after the flood? Why? Give 4 ways humans use animals Why do some Christians not eat red meat on Fridays? What diet did Adam and Eve have? Give 3 reasons some Christians do not eat animals Give 3 reasons some Christians chose to eat meat 18th Can you define fossil fuels? Briefly explain the biblical teaching ‘riches in heaven’ from Jesus’ sermon of the mount. What is a herbivore? What is a carnivore? What is an omnivore? Why might some people point to the design of human teeth to justify humans eating meat? Which human was given the responsibility to look after 2 animals of each kind during a flood?
AQA Theme B – Religion and Life
January 2019 AQA Theme B – Religion and Life 19th Can you define hospice? Luke 12:6 – “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God”. What does this mean? Which topics could you use this quote for? “Only God has the right to take life” – What do you think. Give reasons for your point of view Explain the catholic belief about what happens to a person who ends their own life 20th Can you define natural resources? Matthew says – “blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy”. What does that mean? “all people deserve compassion and care in their suffering” – what do you think? Give reasons for your point of view “all people deserve compassion and care in their suffering” – How could a religious person argue against this statement? 21st Can you define pesticide? Why do humans use pesticides? Give 2 benefits of using pesticides “Do not kill” (Exodus)– give 2 ways this could be interpreted Give 6 examples of pollution (remember Air, Land, Sea) What is overfishing? 22nd Can you define pro-life? In the Qur’an it says ‘do not kill your young in fear, God will provide’. What does this mean Give 4 pro-life arguments Are you pro-life or pro-choice? Why? What is ‘run-off’? What is acid rain? 23rd Can you define pro-choice? Is there any circumstances in which Muslims may support abortion? Give 4 pro-choice arguments Give 4 attributes of God 24th Can you define quality of life? Give 2 Christian beliefs about the day of judgement? Give 2 Muslim beliefs about the day of judgement? Why do some people believe when they die they stay on the earth? What does legacy mean? Give 3 examples of legacy 25th Can you define right to die? Jesus said ‘my fathers house has many rooms’ – what did he mean? ‘For God so loved the world he gave his only son’ (John). What does this mean? How does it link to the afterlife? 26th Can you define sanctity of life? “Only God has the right to take life” – Give 2 opposing/contrasting religious points of view Give 2 interpretations of heaven Give 2 interpretations of hell 27th Can you define science? Explain the Big Bang theory Explain the theory of evolution Explain how people can believe in scientific ideas and still believe in God 28th Can you define stewardship? Give 2 ways you can be a steward Give 2 beliefs from the apostles creed Give 2 beliefs from the lord’s prayer 29th Can you define sustainable energy? “God made man in his image” (Genesis) – what does this mean? What is the difference between a theory and an argument? 30th / 31st Can you define Halal? Can you define Haram? Can you define vivisection? What is purgatory?
Creation – where did everything come from? Destruction of the planet
Theme B Complete the bricks by colour coding them all to match the topics line at the bottom. Each brick can have more than one colour but it must have at least one colour. The first 3 have been done for you. Zoos Deforestation Stun and stick methods Involuntary Illegal in the UK Halal / Haram Kosher / Tref The 6 days of creation Vegan 24 hours? Recycling Pro-life Factory run off Charles Darwin 24 weeks Red shift Evolution The Big Bang Theory Origin Finches Active Overfishing Responsible Vivisection Pollution “subdue it” Passive Life support machine Genesis Salvation Pro-choice Creation – where did everything come from? Stewardship Dominion Animals for food Destruction of the planet Abortion Euthanasia
Afterlife God Science A B C D E F G H I J K L Conservation
Theme B - L has been done for you. This sheet has some spaces for quotes/teachings/ examples/ evidence as notes which you could use if you were going to write up your ideas in full. God Science Stewardship Conservation Afterlife Dominion Abortion / euthanasia A B C D E F G H I J K L Conserving the planet for future generations Stewards go to heaven? Example- L – Conservation is where humans look after the planet to ensure that future people will have a safe planet to live on. Humans can conserve the planet by reducing their waste and being responsible when they fish, chop down forests etc. It could be argued that if people look after this planet they are doing God’s work and will be gifted salvation through God’s grace or good works. This means they might be given entry to heaven rather than punished in hell. Another way people can live on after death is through legacy. If people look after natural resources and the planet while they are alive in this way they can live on after death through their work and commitment on earth.
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