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7 Step Customer Cycle Checklist

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Presentation on theme: "7 Step Customer Cycle Checklist"— Presentation transcript:

1 7 Step Customer Cycle Checklist
MARKETING Attract your customers Create awareness This could be: a press ad information on your website an campaign social media or any other promotional channel you choose to use Step 1 - Marketing Step 2 - Conversion

2 Step 3 – Ease of transaction
7 Step Customer Cycle Checklist CONVERSION Strong Call to Action Be clear on what they should do This could be: call download a voucher Book on the website * IMPORTANT. Use this interaction to collect their data for future use. Step 1 - Conversion Step 3 – Ease of transaction

3 Step 3 – Ease of transaction
7 Step Customer Cycle Checklist EASE OF TRANSACTION Is it simple? Make sure you confirm Any issues with the booking process can cause people to end the transaction. Don’t let a poor process lose you business. Once booked, send a confirmation . It confirms correct data and reassures your customer Step 3 – Ease of transaction Step 4 - Anticipation

4 7 Step Customer Cycle Checklist
ANTICIPATION Create excitement Be relevant Don’t just make contact for the sake of it. Have a purpose. Looking forward to seeing them is fine but provide something tangible such as a link to the club app, the latest offer on the bar menu or a tip for one of the holes. Step 4 - Anticipation Step 5 - Experience

5 7 Step Customer Cycle Checklist
EXPERIENCE Excellent customer service That’s not a mistake. You’ve done the work to get the business but their day at the club is the main thing to consider. Be friendly, helpful, solve issues quickly and consider a value add they weren’t expecting – free range balls Step 5 - Experience Step 6 – Follow Up

6 7 Step Customer Cycle Checklist
FOLLOW UP Say Thank You Get Feedback They’ve been, they’ve enjoyed themselves so make sure you follow up. Never miss an opportunity to ask for feedback, it’s good to hear if it’s positive and it’s good to learn from if there were issues. Step 6 – Follow Up Step 7 - Repeat

7 7 Step Customer Cycle Checklist
REPEAT Drive loyalty Encourage a return visit Give them a reason to come back. This is the next stage of marketing so it will get you through steps 1, 2 and 3. Step 7 - Repeat Back to Step 4

8 7 Step Customer Cycle Checklist
Experience Follow Up Repeat Anticipation This applies to individuals, societies, social guests and more. A 7 step simple process to dealing with your customers and retaining business.

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