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Burns/Dudley/Marrero Oct 8-12, 2018

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1 Burns/Dudley/Marrero Oct 8-12, 2018
ELA: All Classes will be reading the novel, Number the Stars. This novel takes place in 1943 when Germany occupies Denmark. Jewish people aren’t safe, and many Danes, or people from Denmark, risk their lives helping the Jews hide or escape to Sweden. 2nd Nine Week Language Skills: correlative conjunctions, reference materials (print and digital), synonyms/antonyms/homophones, comma rules for introductory elements, yes/no, tag questions, and direct address SCHEDULE: MONDAY: NO SCHOOL TUESDAY: NO SCHOOL WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: FRIDAY: Math: We will begin Unit 3: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals this week. Students will begin the unit with multiplying decimals using models. It is very important that students know their math facts. Knowing their math facts will help them tremendously with the upcoming units. SCIENCE: This 9 weeks will learn about earth landforms including constructive and destructive processes. We will cover a lot of vocabulary terms during this unit. Students will create flashcards for each term as it is introduced. Please study often with your child. SS: We will begin to learn about the Great Depression and the New Deal. This week we will focus on the stock market crash of 1929, Herbert Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt, the Dust Bowl and soup kitchens.

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