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Navigating the Future V

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Presentation on theme: "Navigating the Future V"— Presentation transcript:

1 Navigating the Future V

2 Navigating the Future Navigating the Future is a long-term horizon scanning document series focusing on future priorities of marine research in Europe

3 Navigating the Future V
Robust and independent scientific advice and expert opinions on future seas and ocean research to 2030 and beyond. European marine science community Navigating the Future V Current status of marine research Priority recommendations Future science challenges Science policy agendas Research agendas Available in Spring 2019

4 NFV: key scientific questions
4-Dimensional Ocean (3D plus time) - role in the earth and climate system; Impacts of multiple and cumulative human stressors; How to predict extreme events, natural hazards & climate; What advances in ocean technologies, + modelling &, Artificial Intelligence; Foster sustainability science as a core component of natural & social sciences.

5 Impact of NFIV Widely recognized by researchers and science policy makers Supported development of Horizon work programmes Key reference document for marine & maritime research priorities and needs Cited in scientific papers as policy driver Influenced national research policies

6 Thank you

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