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Wellesbourne CE Primary School – Year 1 Topic Overview Spring Term 2

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1 Wellesbourne CE Primary School – Year 1 Topic Overview Spring Term 2
History and Geography Can I find out some interesting facts about dinosaurs and explain why they died out? Can I explain who Roy Chapman Andrews is and why he is important? RE and PSHE Can I sequence the Easter story and recall the important events? Can I explain about the Easter story and why it is important to Christians? Can I explain about keeping myself self? (Taking care project) Art and Design Can I create my own chalk drawings? Can I use artists work for inspiration for my own creation? Year 1 Spring 2 ‘Our curriculum is creative, inspirational and purposeful’ Dinosaurs English and Maths are taught using a skills-based approach and making links to the curriculum where possible. Computing Can I programme a beebot to move in different directions? Can I use the computer to make my own Easter card using images? PE: Gymnastics Can I explain how my body changes during exercise? Can I make basic gymnastics shapes and name them? Science and DT Can I identify and name some common green plants? Can I sort plants and dinosaurs into 2 groups using a Venn diagram? Can I label the parts of a plant? Music Can I work with a group to perform a song? Can I use musical instruments to stay in time with the music? Can I explain what a rhythm is? Outdoor Learning and Trips Dinosaur trails and egg hunts Chalk pavement drawings Plant hunt around the school grounds

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