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Year 11 Information Evening

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1 Year 11 Information Evening
November 2018

2 Welcome and Introductions
Leadership Team Significant changes to Key Stage 4, tougher exams, less coursework, exams at the end of the two year course, new grading system.

3 SFX Recent Changes Restructuring of the curriculum (more time for certain subjects) Smaller groups in Maths, English and Science (now 8 sets) Core subjects timetabled at the same time Additional teachers employed Higher expectations – attendance, equipment (provided by SFX), behaviour, presentation, homework etc.

4 SFX Recent Changes No supply teachers
1 Break, 1 Lunch (Year 11 first in to allow for lunchtime classes) Revision Guides provided for all subjects No departmental removal No requirement for staff to call STOPS Regular assessments in the hall

5 Mock exams and conduct during examinations
Beginning Tuesday 4th December Sat in the hall Routines as in the real exam

6 Pupil Advice Know and understand the course content
Visit the exam board websites regularly (e.g. ; etc) – information about the exam boards are provided in the pack Be familiar with mark schemes Constantly practise using past papers and mark schemes Use study websites (e.g. bbc bitesize revision) Attend extra classes in school (timetable provided in the class) Be organised and plan your study Stay healthy – exercise, sleep well, eat well

7 Literacy across all subjects
GCSE specifications and mark schemes have been revised in order to promote and reward good standards of written communication across the curriculum. Spelling, punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) has been introduced into the assessment of History, RE and Geography GCSE qualifications, A percentage of the total marks is allocated to the assessment of candidates’ spelling, punctuation and grammar.

8 How will SPaG be made clear on the exam paper?
There will be an instruction for candidates before any question that has SPaG marks available stating that spelling, punctuation and grammar will be assessed in that question.

9 Next 21 School Weeks… ‘Current Grades’ rather than ‘Working Towards’
All parents have staff addresses Lunchtime and after school timetable(in pack) Mock results issued at the start of Year 11 Parents Evening – Monday 14th January 2019 Actual GCSE Examinations begin 13th May and will be completed by 26th June 2019

10 Next 21 School Weeks… No Study Leave 2018 Grade Boundaries
Recent assessment papers (please do not take home) Exercise books move between home and school so please ask to see them Questionnaire (please return)

11 Exam Success Student Parents Staff

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