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RECAP DAY II Corporate Department.

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1 RECAP DAY II Corporate Department

2 An online declaration system,
Leveraging Technology and Collaborating in the fight against corruption in Public Procurement – By Ms. Irene Mulyangonja, Inspector General of Government The Inspectorate of Government has invested in ICTs to aid fighting corruption. These included: An online declaration system, Fast track screen tool for analyzing declarations A Platform for receiving complaints from the public IG website etc Informed delegates about the collaborative efforts developed both locally and across borders. Called upon government to empower society to enable broad participation in e-government services. Web:

3 Highlighted the following:
e-Government: Opportunities and Challenges in Auditor General’s Perspective as an oversight function by Robert Kamukama, Asst. Director, Technical Services Informed delegates that the 4 pillars of e-governance were the process, people, technology and resources Highlighted the following: e-governance initiatives in Uganda – URA e-tax, KCCA Revenue Management System, IFMS etc. Benefits and challenges of e-governance; and The need for government to reap from IT and leap forward in terms as growth. Web:

4 Open Contracting in Africa; enhancing disclosure and citizens participation in public contracting through technology application Presenters were from Civil Society organisations in Uganda, Malawi and Nigeria. Highlights were made on the need to involve citizens in monitoring of government projects; and How effective contract implementation can create a saving for government. Web:

5 Talent can be developed and it focuses on:
Talent Management in Public Procurement – Good Outcomes require Good People: Can Technology Close the Gap? Mr. David Kiyingi, MOFPED Talent can be developed and it focuses on: Persons ability to learn and grow, Person’s capabilities, Persons intrinsic gifts Skills, knowledge, experience Intelligence Judgment, attitude, character, drive, etc Procurement needs procurement professional that are talented so as to spearhead innovation

6 Collaborative Cross Border Public Procurement Opportunities and Challenges by Dr.Laurent Shirima, CEO, PPRA-Tanzania Informed delegates about the need for information exchange, collaborative procurement or pulled procurement Explained what collaborative cross border procurement entails and how it drives competition that encourages innovations and stimulate new businesses Highlighted challenges of cross border procurement – political and institutional constraints; lack of mechanisms to handle conflict of laws among others. Web:

7 encouraged and supported the participation of citizen entrepreneurs
Promoting Local Suppliers through public procurement and Application of Information Technology by Mr. Maurice Juma, Director General, PPRA-Kenya Informed delegates about efforts put in place to support local supplier, namely: encouraged and supported the participation of citizen entrepreneurs developed specifications/requirements, designs and technologies within the capacity of local supplies increased the capacity of institutions and local industries through the transfer of technology and expertise putting in place an enabling legal framework Briefed delegates about the strides made by Kenya towards supporting local industries and suppliers/contractors Web:

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