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Long Term Care Workshops - May, 2013

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1 Long Term Care Workshops - May, 2013
Region 2 North Healthcare Coalition Home Health and Hospice Workgroup Meeting October 26, 2018 MISD – Superior Room Region 2 North Healthcare Coalition Serving Macomb, Oakland, and St. Clair Counties  

2 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Working with Local Community Partners Incident Command for Home Health and Hospice Use of ASPR TRACIE Site R2N TTX and Other Training Opportunities Need for a Chairperson for Workgroup Survey Lessons Learned Other Topics MIHAN Contacts Sign-in Feedback Form 2/17/2019 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018

3 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018
Introductions Name Organization Experience with Emergency Preparedness Just starting Been doing it for a while Lots of expertise 2/17/2019 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018

4 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018
Region 2 North Staff Rick Drummer – Regional Coordinator (Full Time) David Vinson– Assistant Regional Coordinator (Full Time) Justine Smigielski – Administrative Assistant (Part Time) Michael Feld MD – Regional Medical Director (Part Time) 2/17/2019 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018

5 Governmental Overview…
ALL RESPONSE IS LOCAL…. but what happens when more is needed? Working with Community Partners 2/17/2019 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018

6 Local Community Partners
Jurisdictional Authorities City (Fire Service, EMS, Law Enforcement, Emergency Management?) County (Public Health, Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Other Government Organizations) State (State Police, Health and Human Services, LARA, etc.) Federal (Has to really bad and a governor declared emergency) Region 2 North Healthcare Coalition Hospitals, Long Term Care, other Home Health and Hospice, Other Health Care Facility Types, Regional Medical Coordination Center Other Volunteer Organizations American Red Cross, Salvation Army, VOADs 2/17/2019 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018

7 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018
Regional Medical Coalitions Created to Assist Local Emergency Management Keweenaw 44 % 8 7 3 6 1 5 2 S 2n Regional Healthcare Coalition Coordinators Regional Medical Directors Regional Epidemiologists Emergency Management Homeland Security District Coordinators 2/17/2019 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018

8 Region 2 North Healthcare Coalition Executive Summary
Posted on Shows mission, geographic details, and lists partners It is a R2N document that is shared with the State Might be useful to show participation in the coalition

9 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018
2/17/2019 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018

10 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018
ASPR TRACIE ASPR TRACIE LINK 2/17/2019 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018

11 R2N TTX and Other Training Opportunities
R2N TTX Module 1 - November 8th Registration Requirement Facility Specific Exercise – Module 2 Training Opportunities In conjunction with the Long Term Care Workgroup Many training opportunities posted on R2N website Work with local Public Health and Emergency Management to be notified of their training opportunities 2/17/2019 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018

12 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018
Chair for Workgroup This workgroup falls under the R2N Hospital Committee for organization and any funding requests. The chair of the committee would be a member of the Hospital Committee and may attend their meetings and vote. The chair would also work with the R2N staff on agendas and help run the meeting. The chair would also be eligible to attend R2N sponsored conferences on a stipend, if selected. 2/17/2019 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018

13 Lessons Learned (that you are willing to share)
Survey conducted – What was discussed on the CMS requirements? Actual Incident – What lessons were learned? Exercise – What type of exercise and what did you learn? Other items 2/17/2019 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018

14 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018
Other Topics MIHAN Contacts Michigan Health Alert Network Remember to sign-in 2/17/2019 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018

15 Thank you for participating
Remember to fill out feedback form 2/17/2019 R2N Home Health and Hospice Meeting 26October2018

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