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AMORO, The Story of Palestine’s First Mushroom Farm

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1 AMORO, The Story of Palestine’s First Mushroom Farm
Facebook: amorofarm

2 Amoro Agriculture Establishment location Industry
Co-founders – no agri background Amoro meaning Why mushroom? Why not? Philosophy- local production Competitive edge- a first mover- pioneer Alternatives to traditional businesses How mushrooms grow Infrastructure- building and technology Current status- import restriction- indiegogo- come back

3 Social Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship is the use of startup companies and other entrepreneurial vehicles to develop, fund and implement solutions to social, cultural, or environmental issues. BALANCE Society Economy Ecology

4 Creating Socioeconomic Value
Social and economic impact Breaking Israeli monopoly- providing people with choice; Meeting public, cultural, and health needs; Job creation; Cooperation across sectors and contribution to the bigger value chain; Develop HR and new skills; Ethical character;

5 Creating Environmental Value
Go-Green Initiatives Compost waste re-use as an alternative fertilizer to chemical options. Harnessing the solar power - reduce energy consumption, thus, less pollution. Water scarcity- mushroom does not require as much water as other traditional crops.

6 Regulatory Challenges
Movement restriction and border regulations; Unavailability of public sector subsidies; Unsatisfactory Custom Police and Consumer Protection Departments performance; Bureaucratic Governmental Procedures; Restrictive taxation structure; Jhgfhjgfhh jnhjgfhn Mhmfgjhg Hkjhkjhkjhkjh

7 Operational Challenges
Unavailability of up-to-date scientific readings and data on mushroom growing in Arabic; Sector foreignness to suppliers and contractors; Access to finance; Bringing in automation; Unfair and unethical competition; Access to raw materials- state autonomy;

8 Policy Recommendations
To the Palestinian public, private, and civil-society institutions. Improve management process through decentralization of procedural activities; Enhance state control over market inputs through: Empowering custom police; Investing in Customer protection department role as market mediator; Initiate national awareness towards local products and violations.

9 Policy Recommendations
To the Palestinian public, private, and civil-society institutions, cont. Provide subsidy to innovative ideas and projects by: Directing and coordinating donor effort Tax exemption and fast tax refunds Fees exemptions for governmental services Investing in R&D in partnership with private sector and civil society institutions.

10 Policy Recommendations
To the international community Empower state institutions; Revise Paris protocol- hold Israel accountable for biased treatment and obstructions. Adopt the principle of reciprocity with Israel- in our case EU originated products are being discriminated against.

11 Thank you

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