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Characterization Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Characterization Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Characterization Analysis

2 Characterization is… The methods used by an author to portray a character. SOSAA Speech Others View of the Character Self View Actions Appearance

3 Types of Characters Dynamic Static Flat Round

4 Dynamic Someone who undergoes an important, internal change because of the action in the plot Example Katniss Everdeen only wanted to hunt for her family and not anger the Capital, but in the end, she was the catalyst for the rebellion. Luke Skywalker went from being a poor adopted son of a moisture farmer to the hero of the galaxy.

5 Static One whose personality does not change throughout the events in the story’s plot. Example: The Emperor in Star Wars Bellatrix LeStrange in Harry Potter

6 Flat Character Someone for whom we see only one side of his or her personality and is not fully developed by the author Example The evil step mother The dumb blonde

7 Round Character Someone for whom we see different sides to his or her personality and is fully developed by the author. Examples: Harry Potter Katniss Everdeen Luke Skywalker

8 Main or Primary Character
The characters that are central to the story

9 Minor or Secondary Characters
Characters that are necessary to the story but play a smaller role

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