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Chapter 13: The Rise of Rome

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1 Chapter 13: The Rise of Rome
Lesson 2: The Roman Republic

2 Blah blah blah. This matters because . . .
Let’s Take GREAT Notes! F Habit Loop - Remember & PRACTICE your homework routine. Curve of Forgetting minutes of note review after school today; last week’s notes for 5 Include the Initial of the D.O.T.W. Blah blah blah. This matters because . . .

3 Main Ideas Early Roman society was divided into two unequal classes.
The Roman Republic had a government divided into three parts, similar to the U.S. government today. To gain more land and wealth, Rome began to expand by conquering neighboring peoples.

4 CA State Standards 2. Describe the government of the Roman Republic and its significance (e.g., written constitution and tripartite government, checks and balances, civic duty). 3. Identify the location of and the political and geographic reasons for the growth of Roman territories and expansion of the empire, including how the empire fostered economic growth through the use of currency and trade routes.

5 Early Strengths of Roman Society
EQ: Why did the division of Roman society cause tension? Patricians and Plebeians Two unequal classes developed: patricians— landowners with high government positions & plebeians—commoners that could vote but not hold power Tension over patriciansʼ power (ca 450 BC) led to the Twelve Tables—set forth citizensʼ rights, duties

6 Legislative and Judicial
Republican Government EQ: What made up the three branches of the Roman Republic? Legislative and Judicial Romans established three- branch government: legislative, executive, judicial Legislative branch included Senate (300 patricians) & assemblies (ca 128 plebeians) Eight judges oversaw courts, governed provinces

7 Executive Republican Government
EQ: What made up the three branches of the Roman Republic? Executive Two consuls led executive branch Consuls commanded army, ran government for a year - each consul could veto the other In a crisis, consuls could choose dictator to rule for limited time

8 Republican Government
EQ: What made up the three branches of the Roman Republic? Legacy of Roman Law U.S. government adopted Roman Republicʼs tripartite system, which keeps one branch from getting too powerful Government based on a written constitution Citizens expected to perform civic duties (i.e. vote, tax, jury)

9 The Republic Expands EQ: How did Rome expand?
The Punic Wars Rome expanded, controlled entire Italian Peninsula by 275 B.C. Conquered people governed selves but gave taxes, soldiers to Rome 3 Punic Wars began ( BC) against Carthage. Roman general Scipio defeated Carthage general Hannibal in 202 BC

10 The Republic Expands EQ: What was the result of Roman expansion?
Effects of Expansion Soldiers brought back wealth, slaves; bought large estates Many farmers couldnʼt compete, lost their farms Anger and tension grew between classes

11 Write a paragraph summarizing the lesson “The Roman Republic.”
summary & so what Write a paragraph summarizing the lesson “The Roman Republic.” Choose one thing you wrote about and explain why it matters to the world today. Choose one thing you wrote about and describe a life lesson you can learn.


13 Summary & So What Lesson Summary • Early Rome was divided into two classes—patricians and plebeians. • The Roman Republic was a tripartite system that provided a model for the U.S. government. • Roman expansion brought new lands and great wealth for Rome. Why It Matters Now . . . Some of the most basic values and institutions of the United States, such as civic duty and a separate judicial branch, began in the Roman Republic.

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