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World War I.

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1 World War I

2 US course of Action Neutral Country Waging war for Peace
Victorious Country Isolated

3 Problems of Neutrality
…Wilson says be neutral in thought and deed Submarines – British Navy blockades German Ports, U-Boats are the only way to fight back a. Lusitania – part cruise ships, part munitions transport b. at first Germany gives Sussex Pledge, don’t shoot without warning but then…



6 Why does Wilson go to War?
Russia turns Communist and drops out, now America can fight for “Democracy” 2. Zimmerman Note-Germany tells Mexico to attack and they would receive land lost from Mexican American War

7 Mobilization Fighting the war – Army ranked 15th – Americans feared government intervention a. Doughboys – conscription – no draft dodgers to buy selves out – 18 through 45 years of age register b. Work or fight c. America’s biggest contribution through food/munitions

8 Question to ponder Which of your Progressive Presidents foreign policies was most effective? Roosevelt Corollary Dollar Diplomacy

9 1. War bonds – government tries to take over production
a. War Industries Board – set production priorities and established control over raw materials

10 4. Propaganda, public opinions, civil liberties
b. German-Americans targeted – blamed for diarrhea, sickness, spying – some tarred 1. Espionage Act – Sedition Act – anything against America can be jailed - targeted anti-war socialist, and union leaders (I W W) - pardons given once war over, but civil liberties still broken










20 Social Effects 400,000 African Americans serve
More Jobs for women—19th Amendment Migration of Mexicans and African Americans Espionage and Sedition Acts Schenck vs. the U.S. Collapse of the Wobblies

21 Wilson's 14 Points - Wilson idealist – “make the world safe for Democracy” – goal to prevent war a. No treaties, freedom of seas, reduce military b. Self-Determination – let people decide their fate c. Create League of Nations to settle international disputes Treaty of Versailles – Idealist Wilson vs. Imperialist Europeans who want revenge a. punishes Germany – unrealistic reparations, demilitarize, accept full blame

22 2. Ratification fight – League of Nations
a. America’s history of avoiding entangling alliances 1. Senate – Henry Cabot Lodge – afraid of Article X – must fight in war b. America’s refusal makes league powerless and America looks pathetic not agreeing to what the proposed

23 Postwar Demobilization
America wants to return to normalcy – keep economy going Red Scare – Russian Communism spreading – Crusade against left-wingers – Anti-Americans a. Palmer Raids – Mitchell Palmer arrest anyone considered radical 2. Labor strife – government goes back to laissez faire – helping corps – unions look red/communist

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