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America goes to war .

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1 America goes to war 

2 Britain's blockade   Prevents resources from reaching Germany. 750,000 die in Germany due to famine American's upset Germany responds with U-boats

3 Unrestricted submarine warfare
U-boats were used to sink any British or ally ship around Britain. Often no Warning Lusitania, British cruise ship sank by Germans, 1198 people died (127 Americans)

4 Wilson  Threatens Germany that if they continue with U-Boats US would quit helping them. Germany continues once a year: Arabic and Sussex Germany agrees to end if US helps end the blockade.  Wilson wins the election of 1916.  Describes to Congress a "league of peace"= democracy, free seas, and reduce armaments 

5 Germany Ignores Wilson's call for peace. Resumed unrestricted submarine warfare Zimmerman Note- proposed alliance between Germany and Mexico would give Mexico territories lost to the US back.

6 Additions to decision Germany sinks 4 American merchant ships
Russia eliminates monarchy for a representative government 

7 Work with your group on the Lusitania Project

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