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Higher order questions

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1 Higher order questions
Lesson Topic(s): Language Arts Second Grade Week of: 11/26-11/30 Objectives: Students will distinguish between kinds of sentences. TEKS:ELA 2.2B syllabic patterns,2.2A vowel digraphs, 2.21Ai verbs, 2.21C kinds of sentences,2.23A sound patterns ELPS: c5B use vocabulary, c5F grade appropriate sentences Essential Question(s): When do you know what end mark to use on a sentence? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan P:Lesson 47 ee G:Irregular Verb practice. W: Mentor #12 Notice Sentence Corrections. Daily Spiral writing P:Lesson 48 ea W: Mentor #12 Catagorize P:Lesson 49 ea, ea W: Mentor #12 Revise Sentence Corrections P:Lesson 50 Review W: Mentor #12 Imitate Write a paragraph P:Assessment Assessment Vocabulary Free, teeth, wheel, teach, please, first, everything, story, store, world Quotations Statement Question Compound words Higher order questions How is a command different from a statement? How can you identify idioms in stories? How can idioms help you write better stories? How can you make your sentences better? Why should you prove what you know? Assessment Strategy Identify irregular verbs in sentences. Using them to complete sentences. Using irregular verbs in sentences. Sentence corrections practice and journal entry editing. Phonics review Homework page in class. Students will do RTI as needed to reinforce skills.

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