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DOD #18 FL Focus- Progressivism

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1 DOD #18 FL Focus- Progressivism
Read the passage describing how Florida experienced the Progressive Era. Use your Sandalwood Reading Strategies: Marking the Text Hashtag Highlight Hide & Decide Answer the corresponding questions, and be prepared to discuss as a class. Goes on page… Reminders: Progressivism Test-Nov 17/20 You should be revisiting your Cornell Notes!! Achieve 3000 & Vocab!

2 Update: Reminders: Progressivism Test-Nov 5/6
Imperialism Vocab Quiz p. 71 Imperialism Vocab p. 72 DOD #18 & 19 p. 73 C-Notes Progressive Day 1 p. 74 Prog Graphic Organizer p. 75 C-Notes Progressive Day 2 p. 76 Roosevelt Video & Chart p. 77 Reminders: Progressivism Test-Nov 5/6 You should be revisiting your Cornell Notes!! Achieve 3000 & Vocab! Vocab Quiz Next CLASS!

3 Reminders: When are notebooks due. When is vocab due
Reminders: When are notebooks due? When is vocab due? When are Achieves due? Don’t ask me what you can do to fix your grade! No phones/headphones!

4 Topic: Progressive Presidents-Roosevelt
Essential Question: How did Teddy Roosevelt shape American Society in the early 20th century?


6 Progressive Presidents
The Progressive movement spread from state governments to the federal government. , a trio of progressive Presidents sat in the White House. Teddy Roosevelt, Taft, & Wilson

7 Theodore Roosevelt Came from a wealthy NY family.
Rancher in the Dakotas, Civil Service Commissioner, Police Commissioner of NYC, and Assistant Sec. of the Navy. How did Teddy contribute to the Spanish- American War? National hero Governor of New York—worked to end the political machines. Party bosses tried to remove him from NY by making him the Republican candidate for VP. McKinley-Prez, T. Roosevelt-VP McKinley was assassinated making Roosevelt the youngest person ever to be raised to the Presidency. (Sept. 1901)

8 His Idea of the Presidency
Late 19th Century Presidents left public affairs to Congress. Roosevelt changes this as he saw the President as the one individual who represented all Americans. Expanded the powers of the presidency “Stewardship” theory—president acted as the steward or manager of people’s interest. He believed in taking action. “Square Deal” promised fair play and equality of opportunity especially conservation of natural resources, control of corporations and the protection of consumers.

9 Strikes Coal Mine Strike of 1902 tested his presidency. The nation was threatened with a winter without coal. Roosevelt acted quickly to protect the public interest and was able to solve the dispute. Mine owners refused to negotiate with the workers. Roosevelt forms a special commission to resolve the issue. Resolution: 10% pay raise (wanted 20%), 9 hour work day (they wanted 8). Showed the public that he kept his promises about protecting the public interest.

10 Trust Buster He revived the Sherman Antitrust Act against large business consolidations. Did not attack all monopolies (trusts). He stood for “fair play” so distinguished between good and bad trusts. Bad trusts acted against the public interest. “Trust-buster”—separated good trusts from bad trusts Filed an anti-trust lawsuit against J. P. Morgan’s holding company. First time the government had challenged a major industrialist Told the public that even big business was subject to the law Also broke up the Standard Oil Company after reading Ida Tarbell’s writing What is another name for a “trust”?

11 More new trusts were formed.
Trust Buster “Unreasonable trusts”-those trusts that harmed the public interest by such unfair business practices as price-fixing or cutthroat competition. Didn’t actually break up any trusts, but established the principle that the government COULD. More new trusts were formed. The federal government had shifted away from unquestioned support of Big Business and towards consumers.

12 Video

13 Food Regulations As part of his “Square Deal,” Roosevelt launched new laws to protect consumers. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle exposed the meat packing industry Meat Inspection Act—1906 government inspection of meat shipped between states Pure Food and Drug Act— prohibited the adulteration of food (use of preservatives or poisons), and containers had to be labeled with ingredients

14 The Jungle-Upton Sinclair (1906)
…And then there was the condemned meat industry, with its endless horrors. The people of Chicago saw the government inspectors in Packingtown, and they all took that to mean that they were protected from diseased meat; they did not understand that these hundred and sixty- three inspectors had been appointed at the request of the packers, and that they were paid by the United States government to certify that all the diseased meat was kept in the state. They had no authority beyond that; for the inspection of meat to be sold in the city and state the whole force in Packingtown consisted of three henchmen of the local political machine!...

15 Continued… …There would be meat that had tumbled out on the floor, in the dirt and sawdust, where the workers had tramped and spit uncounted billions of consumption germs. There would be meat stored in great piles in rooms; and the water from leaky roofs would drip over it, and thousands of rats would race about on it. It was too dark in these storage places to see well, but a man could run his hand over these piles of meat and sweep off handfuls of the dried dung of rats. These rats were nuisances, and the packers would put poisoned bread out for them, they would die, and then rats, bread, and meat would go into the hoppers together. This is no fairy story and no joke; the meat would be shoveled into carts, and the man who did the shoveling would not trouble to lift out a rat even when he saw one… Reactions?

16 Regulation of Railways
Congress passed new laws strengthening the Interstate Commerce Act. In 1906, a new law permitted the Interstate Commerce Commission to set its own “just and reasonable” rates for railroads. When Roosevelt left office, the government regulation of communications was also placed under the Interstate Commerce Commission.

17 Conservation of Natural Resources
Drew the attention to the need to conserve wildlife, forests, and natural resources. The Newlands Reclamation Act of 1902 provided funds for irrigation projects and dams to reclaim wastelands. Appointed Gifford Pinchot and John Muir to help conserve natural resources, wildlife, and forests. Gifford Pinchot became the head of the National Forestry Service. The federal government had been selling off public lands for development. Roosevelt withdrew 1.5 million acres from the sale. And created 5 new national parks. National Conservation Commission: reports on America’s natural resources, conservation efforts, etc. Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon



20 Highlight notes, answer Essential Question, and create any questions!

21 Roosevelt Videos Roosevelt and Big Business Roosevelt’s Presidency
Roosevelt’s Foreign Policy Video 1 Video 2 Video 3

22 Mini Posters In your groups read the documents, and create a mini poster displaying the information Posters must include: Title Description At least one picture After time is up, your group will present while your classmates take notes

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