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Salads and Vinaigrette

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1 Salads and Vinaigrette
Part of Garde Manger or Pantry Department in charge of cold foods: salads, cold sandwiches, some appetizers, dressings and dips.

2 Types of Salads Separate course salad ▪Bound Salad Appetizer salad
Side salad Composed salad Dessert salad Tossed salad Many of these terms overlap. Ex. The dinner ended with a simple tossed salad of watercress and lemon vinaigrette, garnished with spring peas. (separate course salad and tossed salad)

3 Side Salads, Separate course salads
Side: might be a light garden salad with a heavy entrée (meatloaf) Or a substantial salad with a light entrée: pasta salad with a fish entrée. Separate Course Salad: cleanse the palate after a Rich meal or a certain course. Salad or “Salat” developed in France…brought by who?

4 The Main Course Salad Popular in the USA…..maybe if I eat salad, I won’t gain weight…. If “salad” includes, meat, nuts, bread, bacon, eggs, cheese, it’s the same as eating those items any other way. - a balanced meal: protein, vegetables, seeds or nuts, dressing. Composed Salads often made into Main Course Salad: = 4 elements… bed, main component, dressing, garnish…artfully arranged on the plate. NO TOSSING!!

5 Greens Spicy Mild Bitter
Types of greens compliment flavors in the dressing, garnish, greater meal….to refresh you

6 Care and Washing your salad greens….
Shelf Life: 2-3 days Wash, Dry, Keep in shallow pan covered with damp cloth. Plastic wrap over this if its going in the fridge. Spinach and Arugula…”muddy” they grow in wet, muddy soil….wash 2 times!! Stay ahead of dangerous produce…

7 Vinaigrette: Combining vinegar and oil into an emulsion. An emulsion is a mixture of uniform consistency made with two ingredients that would otherwise not combine together. Basic: temporary emulsion Emulsified: an agent is added that makes the emulsion permanent… Like mayonnaise (egg yolks)


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