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High Granularity Calorimeter Upgrade Studies

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1 High Granularity Calorimeter Upgrade Studies
Samuel Cano Texas Tech University Introduction Methods of Studies 3D Plotting Program Linearity and Resolution Study The goal of my summer research at Fermi National Accelerator Lab was to optimize the design of High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) for Jet and MET measurements in preparation for the High Luminosity upgrade to the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Experiment during Long Shutdown 3, beginning in This upgrade is crucial to overcome hardware radiation tolerance issues and to produce better structure analysis and particle identification. To do so we performed several studies involved C++ and Python software to simulate particle collisions with different HGCAL detector geometries and analyzed the resulting histograms. We did this by utilizing the resources of the LHC Physics Center (LPC), Pythia Monte Carlo, GEANT4, and the constantly updating CMS Software We also developed a basic 3D plotter in order to better see the spread of particle hits on the detector and look for anomalies in hit location. The studies revealed bugs in detector geometry configuration and tested the efficiency of the simulations to produce accurate particle collision results. After the simulations we use reconstructed data to fill various histograms and develop an understanding of our results compared to what we expect. These studies are a continuation of the software development effort to effectively construct the most useful detector design for the next CMS upgrade. We developed a 3D plotting program using python to plot PF Clusters with energy values as weights to further study detector geometry. This allowed us a tool to better visualize particle hits on the simulated detector. The program allowed us to view events from different sides of the detector. Here the x-axis representing the length of the detector, y the width, and z the height from the point of collision, but it is important to note that the hits are plotted based on polar coordinates. The plan for production for this study consisted of 100 events per job and 50 jobs for a total of 5,000 events. In the simulation we injected kaons, photons, pions, muons, electrons, up-quarks, and gluons at 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, and 300 Pt GeV into the detector. We restricted the eta value (1.95 , 2.05) and left phi open (- π, π). These parameters were set in order to ---- Test beam data example Results Where < R > = σ / < Pt Gen > The studies helped streamline analysis procedure and expectations as well as reveal a bug in the software calibration and detector geometry. During the linearity and resolution study we discovered that the simulations involving the electron featured an odd tail on the first peak and a double peak. We worked with the software developers in our group to correct the issue and allow further simulations and data analysis to be carried out. Uniformity Study K0L Sample – 25Pt GeV The plan for production for this study consisted of 100 events per job and 200 jobs for a total of 20,000 events. We injected kaons, photons, pions, muons, electrons, up-quarks, and gluons at 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, and 300 Pt GeV into the detector. In order to test the uniformity of we carried out the simulation with open eta (-3.5, 3.5) and open phi (- π, π). Gen Jet AK4 Jet Acknowledgments Dr. Shuichi Kunori – Texas Tech University Jake Noltensmeyer – Texas Tech University Fermi National Particle Accelerator Lab Large Hadron Collider Physics Center (LPC)

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