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Families Chapter 5.

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1 Families Chapter 5

2 Healthy Families Lasting relationships must be based on mutual caring, trust, and support. If the relationships with family members are healthy, a child learns: 1. to love 2. to respect 3. to get along with others & function as part of a group

3 Modern Effects & Changes on the Family
More women in the work force are causing families to spend less time together.. Some Effects are: 1. Parents have to trust other people to care for their children.. 2. Divorce affects a family’s structure, finances, and health—emotional and physical.

4 4 Sources of Family Stress
1. Illness 2. Financial Problems 3. Divorce 4. Drug Abuse

5 Family violence Definition: The heart of the problem is one person’s desire to have power or control over others. Physical Emotional Sexual Physical: is intentionally causing physical harm to another person. EX: When an adult punishes a child and leaves a mark that can be seen the next day, this act is considered physical abuse. Emotional: is the nonphysical mistreatment of a person. EX: A child who constantly hears negative statements like these is likely to suffer from emotional abuse Sexual Abuse: When an adult uses a child or adolescent for sexual purposes.

6 4 Skills for Healthy Families
Communication Empathy Cooperation Caring and Commitment

7 Ways to Resolve Conflict
1. Families often use decision-making skills to resolve conflicts. By using decision-making skills, you can avoid an argument. 2. Good communication skills are key to conflict resolution. When trying to resolve conflicts, family members need to talk openly, honestly, and lovingly.

8 Family Agency Services
Some agencies offer counseling for families Others may offer parenting classes. Mental-health agencies help meet the needs of people with mental disorders. Child-welfare agencies offer services for the protection of children.

9 Types of Families 1. Nuclear family: couple and their children living together in one household. Example: The Simpsons, Family Guy 2. Single-parent family: only one parent lives with the child or children. Mothers head about 85% of single-parent families. Example: Gilmore Girls

10 Types of Families 3. Extended family: a nuclear or single-parent family may be part of a larger family unit, group of close relatives living together or near each other (grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.) Example: The Robertson (Duck Dynasty) 4. Blended family: biological parent, a step parent and the children of one or both parents. Example: Modern Family and the Kardashians

11 Types of Families 5. Foster family: an adult or couple cares for children whose biological parents are unable to care for them. Example: The Fosters 6. Other families: other groups of people are also considered to be families. Married couple without any children, a group of unrelated people who choose to live together and support and care for one another. Examples: Friends, How I Met Your Mother

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