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SESE Energy and Forces Movement.

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1 SESE Energy and Forces Movement

2 Life processes All animals have to carry out seven life processes.
These are: Movement – ability to move its body Respiration – taking in one gas and getting rid of another Reproduction – ability to produce young Nutrition – ability to get energy out of food

3 Life processes 5. Growth – using energy to get bigger and repair damaged cells 6. Sensitivity – using senses, like smell and taste, to learn about the world 7. Excretion – removal of waste products from food

4 Movement In this lesson we are going to look at movement.
Animals use their skeleton and muscles to move. Different animals can move in very different ways. You can usually get clues about how they move by looking at the shape of their bodies.

5 The Octopus The octopus can move in two different ways.
It can walk along the sea floor using its eight sucker-covered tentacles. It can also suck water into its body and then blow it out again to move itself forward quickly.

6 The Cownose Ray The Cownose Ray is a large flat fish.
It swims by moving its large fins up and down, similar to how a bird uses its wings.

7 Fish Fish have long backbones which run from their heads, all the way down to their tails. They have very muscular bodies: up to 80% of a fish’s body can be made up of muscle. Photo credit Ursula 164

8 Fish The muscles on each side of the backbone work with each other to move the tail left and right, pushing the fish forward. Fish use their fins to help push against the water and control their movement.

9 Fish These are some of the fins which can be found on most fish.

10 Different types of movement
Seal Starfish Crab

11 Types of fish You can tell a lot about a fish’s lifestyle from looking at its body shape. Some fish, like tuna, swim nearly all the time, looking for food. They have torpedo shaped bodies. These are called cruisers.

12 Types of fish Some fish stay more or less in the same place swimming just for short periods. These are called burst swimmers. They normally have a compressed body shape to help them move quickly and precisely.

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