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People!! Building a Great Workplace Clive Thomson M.COM (Hons)

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Presentation on theme: "People!! Building a Great Workplace Clive Thomson M.COM (Hons)"— Presentation transcript:

1 People!! Building a Great Workplace Clive Thomson M.COM (Hons)

2 My favourite management maxim
Organisations (like parents) get the behaviours that they tolerate

3 Retaining Good Staff - ?? Why are people leaving?
Ask them (exit interviews). Get someone from outside your organisation to do this, so that you get some honest feedback. Analyse the results. "People leave their boss, they don’t leave their job”.

4 Retaining Good Staff – $$
Are you paying enough? Where Collective Agreements are in place a 2.9% increase in 2018. Minimum Wage Increased 4.8% this year. Likely to increase 7% effective from 1 April 2019. $20 minimum adult wage by 1 April 2021. Automation. Research confirms that more than 50% of the workforce turn up only for ….. The $$ Labour is committed to increasing the amount of profits that go back into the hands of ordinary workers, especially those at or close to the minimum wage….and they are blatently stating this. The % going to workers over the last 30 years has been declining. There way of addressing this is to give more power to Unions to Collectively Bargain.

5 Retaining Good Staff – Getting them On-Board
Rushing the Recruitment Process? “Hire for Attitude – Train for Aptitude” 3 Questions Can you do the job? Will you love the job? Do we want to work with you? Are we providing them with a plan ($$) that will develop them? Technical / Customers Team / People / Culture What if we train people and they leave? What if we don’t and they stay?? How much for a forklift? How much maintenance spend per annum? How much for an employee?? How much development per annum??

6 Upcoming Changes to Employment Law

7 Domestic Violence – Victims Protection Act 2018
Up to 10 days leave per annum for a victim of Domestic Violence. Comes into effect 1 April 2019. Employment Relations Amendment Act (likely September 2018) Reinstatement back as primary remedy for PGs. Specified meal breaks and rest periods. Trial Period only for Employers with less than 20 employees. Collective Bargaining changes.

8 Employment Relations (Triangular Employment) Amendment Bill
Impacts on payment if a Collective in force, and Both the Employer and the Company contracting-in can be joined in PG proceedings. Holidays Act Review Report back June 2019. Single formula (rather that the current 5)? Fair Pay Agreements Report back by end of 2018. Industry / occupational wide agreements that set minimum conditions throughout NZ (similar concept to Caregivers Settlement). Pay Equity And of course….the Minimum Wage which we have already covered.

9 Personal Grievance Statistics

10 The Odds… 70% in favour of employees (159 out of 226).
Most PGs in first 12 months (83%-95% chance employee wins). Most difficult – constructive dismissal (45% employees win) Easiest – performance related dismissal (83% employees win). Average cost for employer if lose $60,665 (+20% from last year). Average cost for employer if win $24,239 (+205% from last year). These costs are rising fast. Significant change in Hurt and Humiliation payments (+24% from last year). EMA - 41% of members win, only 17% of non-members win. Costs 50% less for EMA members.

11 Trial Periods P: | E:

12 Checklist – Pre Employment
Make the “whole offer” early and include the full Employment Agreement. Specific written provision required for Trial Period. Cannot use if a person has been previously employed by your organisation. Advise of right to seek legal advice & give opportunity to seek that advice. Sign before employment commenced.

13 Checklist – Dismissing
Talk with employee about any concerns during Trial Period. Be blunt!! If you are thinking about terminating under the Trial Period let employee know that and document it. A dismissal should not come as a “bolt from the blue.” Document discussions. Give notice before the end of trial period.

14 What is wrong with the new Generation?

15 Who said this? “I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on the frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words.  When I was young we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders but the present youth are exceedingly disrespectful and impatient of restraint. ” Hesiod 8th Century BC

16 Differing priorities Baby Boomers (1946-1963) Generation X (1964-1977)
lived in an age of certainty. Although there wasn’t much to buy, unemployment and poverty were rare. Generation X ( ) born into a world of TV and choice, but were lucky to get a job embrace risk, prefer “free agency” to loyalty, more balance between work and play, how you can help them prepare for their next role. Generation Y ( ) born into an age – for developed countries anyway – of previously unheard of affluence and opportunity. Generation Z ( …..) !!!!!! Sometimes referred to as Generation F (as in Facebook). Eliza when travelling every 3 or 4 days….me when I was 19….only 1 aerogramme from home…

17 Influence Baby Boomer Gen X Gen Y Role Model Men of Character
Men & Women of Character What is character? TV I Love Lucy Happy Days Jerry Springer Music Idols Elvis Madonna Eminem Comp. Games Pong Pacman Counter-Strike Money Earn it It’s not everything Give it to me Loyalty to Employer Work my way to the top Shortcut to the top Give me Sat off or I’ll quit Respecting elders Automatic Is polite Whatever! Sex After marriage On the back seat On line Change Resist it Accept it Want it Technology Ignorant of it Comfortable Feel it in their gut Justice Always prevails Up to the courts If you can afford it © Peter Sheahan

18 About EMA 40,000 calls a year to AdviceLine (8 lawyers)
56,000 downloads per annum of our 125 employment guides 20,000 people per annum attending quarterly briefings and training courses 30 consultants (Employment Relations / Health & Safety) 80 employees

19 Our family tree

20 Helping Business Succeed

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