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The Digital Rights Manager

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Presentation on theme: "The Digital Rights Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Digital Rights Manager
An Essential Role in Complying with IDEA & Supporting Student Success

2 Today’s Agenda Review AIM mandate
Review role of Digital Rights Manager Clarify DRM responsibilities Securing and storing required documentation Requesting AIM from AIM Center Managing distribution and recovery of AIM

3 IDEA makes it very clear that the curriculum needs to be accessible to ALL students…including those with print disabilities

4 We deliver content in ways that facilitate its uptake…
How do we ensure that students with print disabilities have access to text? We deliver content in ways that facilitate its uptake… Translate materials into formats other than print What do we typically do now? Support use of print with tools and/or strategies

5 Audio Brailled material Translate materials into formats other
than print Audio Brailled material

6 Support use of print with tools and/or strategies Larger print More
accessible font More white space on page Text- reading software Print isolators Reduced distractions on page Colored overlays

7 NOTE GUIDE: AIMing for Student Achievement
IDEA 2004 Final Regulations, Sec Accessible Instructional Materials Provisions within the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 require that textbooks and related core instructional materials be provided to students with print disabilities in specialized formats in a timely manner. Joy Zabala (2007). Handout for presentation at Closing the Gap Conference. Minneapolis, MN. For more information, contact by to 7

8 New Provision in IDEA: Access to Instructional Materials
LEA must provide instructional materials to blind persons or other persons with print disabilities in a timely manner. (Section )

9 New Provision in IDEA: Access to Instructional Materials
Nothing… relieves an LEA of its responsibility to ensure that children with disabilities who need instructional materials in accessible formats but are not included under the definition. . . receive those instructional materials in a timely manner. (Section )

10 To whom does this apply?

11 Students Who Struggle with Print Blindness Visual impairment
Physical disability “organic basis” Students Who Struggle with Print

12  IMPORTANT  The provision of AIM is permitted ONLY to students who meet legal qualifications. In Delaware, we have two “flavors” of qualification. IEP teams determine each student’s qualification status.

13 Access Determination Group B Group A

14 Group A Qualification Group A
Blindness, defined as visual acuity (determined by a competent authority) of 20/200 or less in the better eye with correcting lenses, or whose widest diameter of visual field subtends an angular distance no greater than 20 degrees. Visual disability (determined by a competent authority), with correction and regardless of optical measurement, that prevents that reading of standard print material. Inability to read or to use standard printed materials as a result of physical limitations. Reading disability (determined by a competent authority) resulting from organic dysfunction and of sufficient severity to prevent reading printed material in a normal manner.

15 Group A Certification Group A
For students who are blind, visually impaired, or have physical disabilities doctors of medicine doctors of osteopathy ophthalmologists optometrists teachers of the visually impaired special education teachers physical therapists For students with a reading disability having an organic basis These individuals may consult with colleagues in associated disciplines

16 Group B Qualification Group B
A student qualifies for Group B when ALL of the following criteria are met: The student has a print disability as determined by a neurologist, psychiatrist, learning disability specialist, special education teacher, or school or clinical psychologist with a background in learning disabilities. The certifying staff member (or the student’s IEP team) determines that the student requires core instructional materials in accessible formats. The need for AIM is documented in the IEP.

17 Why does the Group A/Group B distinction matter?
From an educational standpoint, it doesn’t matter. Student meeting either A or B criteria qualify for AIM in whichever formats are appropriate to their needs. It matters in Delaware, though, because it dictates the sources from which accessible content can be drawn.

18 In a world that we dream of…
IEP TEAM Textbook Publisher STUDENT The preferred pathway to AIM is getting it directly from the publisher…but, for the most part, our country isn’t there yet. If the publisher doesn’t offer the material in the format needed by the student, it must be acquired through the AIM Center.

19 In the world in which we live…

20 Why a centralized source?
Remove burden of materials acquisition and/or creation from the LEA Ensure compliance with federal laws Provide single point of entry for requests statewide Gather statewide data on utilization and efficiency

21 The DRM acts as a “broker” between the IEP team
The AIM Center relies on Digital Rights Managers (DRMs) to verify student eligibility and ensure that the provision of AIM to qualifying students complies with all legal and ethical guidelines. The DRM acts as a “broker” between the IEP team and the Delaware AIM Center.

22 The DRM’s Role is… To ensure compliance with law
Only eligible students served Documentation managed responsibly As point person for securing AIM Makes request via AIM website Manages transmittal of a hard copy of book to the AIM Center Receives AIM Transfers AIM to teacher Facilitates return of AIM from teacher

23 The DRM’s role is not… To figure out whether a student needs AIM
To figure out what type of AIM the student needs To determine or provide the “delivery mechanism” for the AIM

24 DRM appointed by LEA leadership
Designees for individual schools or groups of schools One person for entire LEA

25 A DRM should be… Comfortable with online ordering systems
Comfortable with digital storage systems Highly organized An effective communicator Able to adhere consistently to specified procedures that protect the integrity of the process and compliance with the law

26 A DRM should have… Convenient access to a consistent location to which/from which materials can be shipped Convenient access to teachers on whose behalf the DRM will place orders for materials and receive materials shipped from the AIM Center A computer with broadband access to both state systems and the internet A local computer use account with rights to download internet materials and store large files on portable media Access to a secured file cabinet for student eligibility documentation Availability to attend occasional statewide meetings

27 DRM Designation and Certification Process
DRM(s) Selected LEGEND District DOE AIM Center DRM DRM Nomination Form completed/ sent to DOE DRM Data entered into AIM Center database On-line tutorial and test provided to DRM nominee On-line content accessed Certification test passed DRM account activated District access to AIM Center enabled

28 The DRM’s Role is… To ensure compliance with law
Only eligible students served Documentation managed responsibly As point person for securing AIM Makes request via AIM website Manages transmittal of a hard copy of book to the AIM Center Receives AIM Transfers AIM to teacher Facilitates return of AIM from teacher

29 The DRM’s Role is… To ensure compliance with law
Only eligible students served Documentation managed responsibly As point person for securing AIM Makes request via AIM website Manages transmittal of a hard copy of book to the AIM Center Receives AIM Transfers AIM to teacher Facilitates return of AIM from teacher

30 Provision of Accessible Instructional Materials for Students with Print Disabilities
Discuss suspected print disability and note indicators/evidence Secure eligibility documents Assess to verify print disability Submit request to DRM with IEP & eligibility assurances Enter request through AIM website AIM sourced & produced Assess to determine appropriate AIM format(s) for each curricular area Secure teacher assurance re: adherence to terms of use AIM transferred to DRM LEGEND Identify text materials needed in AIM format(s) IEP Team AIM Center DRM Determine nature of student eligibility for AIM (Group A/B) Deliver AIM to student Deliver AIM to teacher Teacher Retrieve AIM from student at end of course Return AIM to DRM Return AIM to AIM Center Return AIM to inventory

31 noting print disability and
Eligible Students Students with IEPs noting print disability and need for AIM Group A Group B

32 Other forms will be kept there as well.
Documentation Group A/B form completed AIM Request Form verifies IEP inclusion These forms are never sent to the AIM Center. DRMs verify that they exist, so create a folder to hold each student’s documentation. Other forms will be kept there as well.

33 The DRM’s Role is… To ensure compliance with law
Only eligible students served Documentation managed responsibly As point person for securing AIM Makes request via AIM website Manages transmittal of a hard copy of book to the AIM Center Receives AIM Transfers AIM to teacher Facilitates return of AIM from teacher

34 The DRM’s Role is… To ensure compliance with law
Only eligible students served Documentation managed responsibly As point person for securing AIM Makes request via AIM website Manages transmittal of a hard copy of book to the AIM Center Receives AIM Transfers AIM to teacher Facilitates return of AIM from teacher

35 Provision of Accessible Instructional Materials for Students with Print Disabilities
Discuss suspected print disability and note indicators/evidence Secure eligibility documents Assess to verify print disability Submit request to DRM with IEP & eligibility assurances Enter request through AIM website AIM sourced & produced Assess to determine appropriate AIM format(s) for each curricular area Secure teacher assurance re: adherence to terms of use AIM transferred to DRM LEGEND Identify text materials needed in AIM format(s) IEP Team AIM Center DRM Determine nature of student eligibility for AIM (Group A/B) Deliver AIM to student Deliver AIM to teacher Teacher Retrieve AIM from student at end of course Return AIM to DRM Return AIM to AIM Center Return AIM to inventory

36 Keep this form in the student’s folder.
AIM Request Form Sent from a representative of the student’s team Specifies material needed and format requested Contains all info DRM needs to place an order with the AIM Center Keep this form in the student’s folder.

















53 In conjunction with placing the order…
Send a hard copy of the book to the AIM Center By U.S. Mail Delaware AIM Center 314 E. Main Street, Suite 1 Newark, DE 19711 By State Mail State Mail Drop N420 University of Delaware Center for Disabilities Studies It will be returned, but not always in the same form.


55 Provision of Accessible Instructional Materials for Students with Print Disabilities
Discuss suspected print disability and note indicators/evidence Secure eligibility documents Assess to verify print disability Submit request to DRM with IEP & eligibility assurances Enter request through AIM website AIM sourced & produced Assess to determine appropriate AIM format(s) for each curricular area Secure teacher assurance re: adherence to terms of use AIM transferred to DRM LEGEND Identify text materials needed in AIM format(s) IEP Team AIM Center DRM Determine nature of student eligibility for AIM (Group A/B) Deliver AIM to student Deliver AIM to teacher Teacher Retrieve AIM from student at end of course Return AIM to DRM Return AIM to AIM Center Return AIM to inventory

56 Hand-off of AIM to Teacher
AIM Center sends materials to DRM with two important forms enclosed Assurances/AIM Delivery Receipt AIM Return Documentation DRM needs to secure assurance that teacher will follow all required terms and conditions Keep signed assurances in student folder.

57 Provision of Accessible Instructional Materials for Students with Print Disabilities
Discuss suspected print disability and note indicators/evidence Secure eligibility documents Assess to verify print disability Submit request to DRM with IEP & eligibility assurances Enter request through AIM website AIM sourced & produced Assess to determine appropriate AIM format(s) for each curricular area Secure teacher assurance re: adherence to terms of use AIM transferred to DRM LEGEND Identify text materials needed in AIM format(s) IEP Team AIM Center DRM Determine nature of student eligibility for AIM (Group A/B) Deliver AIM to student Deliver AIM to teacher Teacher Retrieve AIM from student at end of course Return AIM to DRM Return AIM to AIM Center Return AIM to inventory

58 Recovery of AIM from Teacher
DRM responsible for ensuring that materials are returned to the AIM Center at the end of the specified period or—if digital—responsibly deleted from all delivery tools. Complete return documentation AIM Center will issue a receipt Keep copy of return documentation and receipt in student folder.

59 Today’s Agenda Review AIM mandate
Review role of Digital Rights Manager Clarify DRM responsibilities Securing and storing required documentation Requesting AIM from AIM Center Managing distribution and recovery of AIM MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

60 For questions about… Contact… Placing orders, status of orders, transmission of materials Delaware AIM Center 314 E. Main Street, Suite 1 Newark, DE 19711 Phone: (302) Fax: (302) Training, consultation, and technical assistance for LEAs, students, and families Beth Mineo Center for Disabilities Studies 461 Wyoming Road Newark, DE 19716 Phone: (302) Fax: (302) DOE policies & procedures, Digital Rights Managers Sarah Celestin, DE Department of Education Exceptional Children Resources Teaching and Learning Branch Delaware Department of Education 401 Federal Street, Suite #2 Dover, DE Phone: (302) Fax: (302)

61 Provision of Accessible Instructional Materials for Students with Print Disabilities
Discuss suspected print disability and note indicators/evidence Secure eligibility documents Assess to verify print disability Submit request to DRM with IEP & eligibility assurances Enter request through AIM website AIM sourced & produced Assess to determine appropriate AIM format(s) for each curricular area Secure teacher assurance re: adherence to terms of use AIM transferred to DRM LEGEND Identify text materials needed in AIM format(s) IEP Team AIM Center DRM Determine nature of student eligibility for AIM (Group A/B) Deliver AIM to student Deliver AIM to teacher Teacher Retrieve AIM from student at end of course Return AIM to DRM Return AIM to AIM Center Return AIM to inventory

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