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Presentation on theme: "COLLEGE OF ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES"— Presentation transcript:

Interim structure 2/17/2019

2 Preamble Ideal structure – will meet all the principles
Deviations because of limited time, trade-off within context of the following: New dispensation, structure must give meaning to the concept “comprehensive institution” Cater for academic AND academic support activities Size and complexity: Same size as previous UNISA, 2 X previous TSA, Equal to (US + CT + Wits+ UP) Not to be compared with previous Faculty - rather “ an intelligent structure to manage university within a mega institution” 2/17/2019

3 Vision of the College We strive for academic excellence in
the field of Economic and Management Sciences internationally. 2/17/2019

4 Mission of the College In line with the university’s mission, we
provide internationally recognized academic and career orientated learning opportunities, in economic and management sciences from undergraduate to doctoral level, to learners within and beyond the borders of South Africa by means of an open distance tuition model supported by appropriate and innovative technologies; conduct research to advance the body of knowledge and scholarship in economic and management sciences; attract and retain qualified, motivated academic and administrative staff; and contribute to society as academic citizens. 2/17/2019

5 Principles Integration – not alignment. Previous clusters not necessarily the criteria for restructuring design Matrix structure – academic management vertically; output (qualifications, research, etc) horizontally Intelligent approach in design – new way of doing business; Best practice; International benchmarking Mother discipline will dictate College offerings Structure should take control of admin/academic support that will have a direct bearing on the output of the college 2/17/2019

6 Principles (cont) 6. Disciplines should be kept intact as far as and whenever possible 7. Vertical offerings should remain intact (undergraduate to postgraduate) 8. Clusters should be cost efficient and manageable units: 15-20 cost units minimum per Department 60-80 cost units minimum per School cost units maximum per School 9. Decision-making devolved to appropriate levels (flat structure) 10. Minimum admin responsibility at departmental level – focus on core business 2/17/2019

7 Principles (cont) 11. Structures – based on academic output not people
12. Flexibility in structures between schools 13. Services to students must reside within College ( career advice) 14. College policies aligned with Unisa policies, vision, mission 15. Effectiveness balanced against efficiency 16. KPA’s of core business in College 17. Research, as major output should be reflected by structure 2/17/2019

8 College Structure ?? Executive Dean 2/17/2019 Director GSBL Director
DED Academic Planning & Tuition QA Learner Support. Marketing , Change Man Research, Post graduate Director GSBL Director: Admin School of Accounting Student Affairs Operations 3rd stream income Chair: Non-degree Programmes. Research ?? Director School of IOP, HR, Public Admin and Management Director School of Applied Accountancy Director School of Business Management Director School of Economic Sciences 1. Management & Entrepreneurship 2. Marketing 3 Finance, Risk Man-agement, Banking & Real Estate 1. IOP 2. Human Resources 3 Public Admin & Management 1. Financial Accounting 2. Management Accounting 3 Tax 4. Auditing 1. Financial accounting & Tax 2. Management accounting and auditing 1. Economics 2. Transport Economics, Logistics & Tourism 3 Quantitative management 1. BMR 2. CCC 3 BBS 2/17/2019

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