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NHS Island Boards Summit / Islands Proofing

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1 NHS Island Boards Summit / Islands Proofing
Exchange of views between Islands – areas of commonality / challenges learn lessons / ideas INCREASE Interaction with SG – Performance, Access and Sustainability & Value teams Ralph Roberts, Chief Executive

2 ISLAND SUMMIT Similar PERSPECTIVES Recruitment & Retention
Sustainability & Fragility Innovation & creative solutions Advanced practice & alternative roles Strategic GOALS Emergency care must be maintained locally, including medicine, surgery and maternity Patients only sent out of Islands for if care can’t be provided safely and effectively locally Travel for OP & Diagnostic appointments minimised Healthcare in multi-professional teams, reliance on individuals minimised

3 SUMMIT - Key priorities
Recruitment, Retention & Education Consistent Job Roles across Islands Options for “virtual” working Joint Recruitment Island weighting / “Hard to recruit” posts Clinical Support Services Diagnostics / laboratories National shared services – opportunities ? Alternative service models? Role of “Obligate” networks ? Actions for 3 Boards Messages for Scottish Government / Partners

4 SUMMIT - Key priorities
Island Acute Model Develop Core Island Acute Model Link to National & Regional Clinical Strategies Regional Working / Partnerships Map service provision from Partners Consistency of approach on SLAs Clarify Key Priorities Regional Clinical Strategy Targets – Island relevance / accountability   Informs Clinical Strategies / Elective care model / Educational model / recognise learning & difference from Mainland RGH Models

5 ISLAND BILL Island Bill 2014/15 - Programme for Government
November 2015: Island Bill Consultation - island proofing - empowering island communities - national islands plan - constituency / electoral ward issues Summer Bill to be delivered in next 12 months Informs Clinical Strategies / Elective care model / Educational model / recognise learning & difference from Mainland RGH Models

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