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Peace, Power and Prosperity Lecture 1

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Presentation on theme: "Peace, Power and Prosperity Lecture 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peace, Power and Prosperity Lecture 1

2 The Great Exhibition of 1851

3 Chartist mass meeting, Kennington Common, 10 April 1848

4 The Impact of the French Revolution on British politics and society Cruikshank, ‘Massacre at St. Peter’s, or Britons Strike Home!’ (1819)

5 Urban imperatives and rural idylls
Eyre Crowe, ‘The Dinner Hour: Wigan’ (1874) John Constable, ‘The Hay Wain’ (1821)

6 Social reform and charity extract from Charles Booth’s poverty map of London, c. 1900

7 The Celtic Regions ‘The Fenian Pest,’ Punch, March 1866
Hugh Cameron. Weary farmer, Scotland.

8 Empire British Empire, c. 1897

9 Religion, Science and Doubt
Charles Darwin, as caricatured in The Hornet, 1871

10 Family

11 Work and organised labour
W. Summers, ‘Copenhagen Fields Demonstration’, 1834 Scots coal miners

12 Leisure Paul Martin, Yarmouth, 1892

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