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Lecture Objectives: Cooling towers and modeling Project 1.

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1 Lecture Objectives: Cooling towers and modeling Project 1

2 Cooling Tower Performance Curve
TCTR Outdoor WBT from chiller TCTS to chiller Temperature difference: R= TCTR -TCTS TCTS Most important variable is wet bulb temperature TCTS = f( WBToutdoor air , TCTR , cooling tower properties) or for a specific cooling tower type TCTS = f( WBToutdoor air , R) WBT

3 Cooling Tower Model Model which predict tower-leaving water temperature (TCTS) for arbitrary entering water temperature (TCTR) and outdoor air wet bulb temperature (WBT) Temperature difference: R= TCTR -TCTS Model: For HW 3b: You will need to find coefficient a4, b4, c4, d4, e4, f4, g4, h4, and i4 based on the graph from the previous slide and two variable function fitting procedure

4 Combining Chiller and Cooling Tower Models
Function of TCTS 3 equations from previous slide Add your equation for TCTS → 4 equation with 4 unknowns (you will need to calculate R based on water flow in the cooling tower loop)

5 Merging Two Models Temperature difference: R= TCTR -TCTS Model:
Link between the chiller and tower models is the Q released on the condenser: Q condenser = Qcooling + Pcompressor - First law of Thermodynamics Q condenser = (mcp)water form tower (TCTR-TCTS) m cooling tower is given - property of a tower TCTR= TCTS - Q condenser / (mcp)water Finally: Find P() or The only fixed variable is TCWS = 5C (38F) and Pnominal and Qnominal for a chiller (defined in nominal operation condition: TCST and TCSW); Based on Q() and WBT you can find P() and COP().

6 Two variable function fitting (example for a variable sped pump)

7 Function fitting for a chiller q = f (condensing and evaporating T)

8 Merging Two Models Temperature difference: R= TCTR -TCTS Model:
Link between the chiller and tower models is the Q released on the condenser: Q condenser = Qcooling + Pcompressor ) - First law of Thermodynamics Q condenser = (mcp)water form tower (TCTR-TCTS) m cooling tower is given - property of a tower TCTR= TCTS - Q condenser / (mcp)water Finally: Find P() or The only fixed variable is TCWS = 5C (38F) and Pnominal and Qnominal for a chiller (defined in nominal operation condition: TCST and TCSW); Based on Q() and WBT you can find P() and COP().

9 Low Order Building Modeling
Measured data or Detailed modeling Find Q() = f (DBT)

10 For Austin’s Office Building
Model: (Area = 125,000sf) Hours in a year kW Used for component capacity analysis Model =0 when building is off Number of hours

11 For project 1 you will need Q() for each hour
Yearly based analysis: You will need Q() for one week in July Use simple molded below and the Syracuse TMY2 weather file posted in the course handout section 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 4 8 12 16 Q= *t Q= *t Q [ton] t [F]

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