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UCSF Pediatric Residency Training Program. The UCSF Pediatric Residency Training Program is a: W Large (~85 Residents) W Academically oriented W Multi-site.

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Presentation on theme: "UCSF Pediatric Residency Training Program. The UCSF Pediatric Residency Training Program is a: W Large (~85 Residents) W Academically oriented W Multi-site."— Presentation transcript:

1 UCSF Pediatric Residency Training Program

2 The UCSF Pediatric Residency Training Program is a: W Large (~85 Residents) W Academically oriented W Multi-site program

3 Major Challenges BudgetBudget PayrollPayroll AppointmentsAppointments CredentialingCredentialing SchedulingScheduling ComplianceCompliance Data ManagementData Management

4 Administrative Support Mail servicesMail services VerificationsVerifications Meal CardsMeal Cards PagersPagers WebsitesWebsites Eddie BooksEddie Books Conference & Event SupportConference & Event Support

5 Credentialing Appointment Paperwork Each Year for:Appointment Paperwork Each Year for: UCSF Childrens Hospital (Parnassus) & Mt. Zion UCSF Childrens Hospital (Parnassus) & Mt. Zion San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH, the County) San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH, the County) Kaiser Hospital and Clinics Kaiser Hospital and Clinics California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC)

6 Program Staff CathyRex CathyRex

7 Why Paperless? 3 Wall-to Ceiling Filing Cabinets in Office3 Wall-to Ceiling Filing Cabinets in Office 1 in Directors Office1 in Directors Office Shelves Everywhere; Boxes and papers piled in every available area or corner.Shelves Everywhere; Boxes and papers piled in every available area or corner. No Work Areas or Room for Additional StorageNo Work Areas or Room for Additional Storage

8 Why Paperless?

9 Benefits Ability to access data within seconds improving service and efficiencyAbility to access data within seconds improving service and efficiency Less physical storage requiredLess physical storage required Working remotely is easierWorking remotely is easier

10 Environmental Benefits Clearer workspaces which have an effect on staff motivation and productivityClearer workspaces which have an effect on staff motivation and productivity Saving paper saves treesSaving paper saves trees

11 Process Identify ObjectivesIdentify Objectives Gain CommitmentGain Commitment Formulate PlanFormulate Plan

12 Decide What You Will Store Just because you can scan it, doesnt mean you should.Just because you can scan it, doesnt mean you should. There is a tradeoff between space and time to scan.There is a tradeoff between space and time to scan.

13 Decide What You Will Store What is currently saved?What is currently saved? What is accessed?What is accessed? –in the current files –in the archived files

14 Decide What You Will Store What do you need to save?What do you need to save? -UC Records Management Disposition Schedules

15 Decide What You Will Store Are residents students or academic employees?Are residents students or academic employees?BOTH!

16 Records Management Disposition Schedules RecordRetention Graduate Admissions1-15 years Job Applications0-10 years Employment0-5 after Separation Degree Evaluations0-10 years Corrective Actions2 years after end of actions related to incident. If related to HIPAA, 6 years after incident.

17 Records Retention Policy Internal Unit PolicyInternal Unit Policy Must be DocumentedMust be Documented Consistently AppliedConsistently Applied

18 Retention Recommendations RecordRetention Applicant Files3 years Resident Files7 years EvaluationsIndefinitely

19 What We Save & Access Applicant FilesApplicant Files Resident FilesResident Files VerificationsVerifications Program DocumentsProgram Documents EvaluationsEvaluations –Paper File E*Value

20 Seize the Opportunity Really Review your Office Workflow

21 Decide How You Will Store It Decide on a scanning, filing, and workflow processDecide on a scanning, filing, and workflow process Will the scanning be centralized?Will the scanning be centralized? How will content from outside be handled?How will content from outside be handled? What about content generated from within?What about content generated from within?

22 Decide How You Will Store It Need a secure serverNeed a secure server –with enough space to accommodate your files; –and accessible to all who need access to the files.

23 How We Store Data

24 How We Store Applicant Data Applicant FilesApplicant Files –Print from ERAS to individual pdf (Portable Document Format) files and store on our server. –Scan the interview feedback forms and save as a pdf file.

25 Applicant Information

26 Applicant Files

27 How We Store Resident Data Resident FilesResident Files –Start with a copy of the Applicant pdf. –Scans of appointment paperwork are added to each folder. –Throughout residency, everything is saved to the folder (Portfolio).

28 Resident Portfolios

29 Individual Resident Portfolio

30 How We Archive Resident Data –All files in Portfolio are combined into historical file using Acrobat Combine Tool. –Standard Naming Convention for Archived Portfolio.

31 Historical Resident File

32 How We Archive Verifications –Pdfs of completed verifications are scanned to a Verifications folder. (Information from our database, the archived resident files, and E*Value are used to complete verifications.)(Information from our database, the archived resident files, and E*Value are used to complete verifications.)

33 How We Archive Verifications

34 Decide on a Document Management System Think about where you would look for a document.Think about where you would look for a document. Think about where others would look for a document.Think about where others would look for a document. Create and document your file archiving process and your naming system.Create and document your file archiving process and your naming system.


36 Decide on a Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan Make sure IT people are onboard with the plan.Make sure IT people are onboard with the plan.

37 Select and Install Your Equipment INVESTIN GOOD EQUIPMENT

38 Select and Install Your Equipment ScannerScanner –Automatic sheet feeder; –Duplex; –Speed. Shredder (or Secure Document Service)Shredder (or Secure Document Service) High Resolution MonitorHigh Resolution Monitor Adobe Acrobat ProAdobe Acrobat Pro

39 Implement in Stages People cope more effectively with slow gradual change.People cope more effectively with slow gradual change. Start with new paperwork.Start with new paperwork. Get help to archive older files.Get help to archive older files.

40 Modify, if necessary. Be flexible.Be flexible. Change what isnt working.Change what isnt working. Process will evolve over time into one that works for all.Process will evolve over time into one that works for all.

41 Training Provide documentation.Provide documentation. Train all who are involved.Train all who are involved. One person can derail entire system.One person can derail entire system.

42 Start Using Your New System Dont expect immediate success.Dont expect immediate success. But do ENJOY the benefits.But do ENJOY the benefits.





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