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Partnership Working 2016/17 North Ayrshire Psychological Service

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Presentation on theme: "Partnership Working 2016/17 North Ayrshire Psychological Service"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnership Working 2016/17 North Ayrshire Psychological Service

2 Drivers for Change Attainment challenge
The National Improvement Framework Financial Context Children and Young People’s Act (2014) Early Intervention and Prevention Psychological Service Validated Self Evaluation (VSE) – May 2016

3 Self Evaluation Key Findings

4 VSE Key Actions – End to Status Quo
Clearer guidelines/expectations regarding attendance at meetings Clearer success and exit criteria in planning and reviewing of all work Pre-SCAT – no longer co-ordinated by EPS

5 EPS Attendance at Meetings (Team Around Child)
Child at significant risk of exclusion Child attending ESNB, Nurture provision or alternative placement (e.g. ASN or independent schools such as Spark of Genius) Necessity for discussion prior to inclusion group Child returning from specialist placement Child protection issue or significant wellbeing concern where the EP perspective has added value Request for EP advice, observation or assessment, which will inform overall assessment and planning for this child’s wellbeing needs

6 Casework: Indicators for involvement
There is an identified need for EPS involvement with this child/YP at this time There is an agreed outcome following EPS involvement The EP complements or enhances the already existing team around the child There is no other agency or individual better placed to support this child/YP A measure of impact has been identified All stakeholders are involved in ongoing evaluation of impact for the child/YP? Questions: Why do you need EPS involvement with this child/YP at this time? What is our desired outcome following EPS involvement? How would we know that this involvement has had an impact? What is it that the EP brings to complement or enhance the already existing team around the child? Is there another agency or individual better placed to support this child/YP? What would happen if the EP could not be involved? How will we evaluate the impact on this child/YP? Casework Evaluation (mid-point & end-point)

7 North Ayrshire Council Educational Psychological Service
What We Can Offer CONSULTATION SNAP Mental Health First Aid Stress Sleep Nurture Restorative Approaches Change and Loss Metacognition Mindset Visible Learning Literacy Numeracy Inclusive Pedagogy Developing the Young Workforce LAC/LAAC Early Years ASSESSMENT INTERVENTION Learning & Teaching Inclusion Health & Wellbeing Promoting Positive Relationships TRAINING & IMPROVEMENT WORK RESEARCH Quality Assurance/Self Evaluation Training & Improvement Work Should Link to School Improvement Plans and Authority Priorities

8 What Next? EP conversation with each school/centre
Will review all current active casefiles – clear rationale for involvement or file becomes inactive Practice Level Agreement (cluster/individual school)

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