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ET: Make a t-chart like this one

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Presentation on theme: "ET: Make a t-chart like this one"— Presentation transcript:

1 ET: Make a t-chart like this one
ET: Make a t-chart like this one. Fill in what you know about the Age of exploration and what you want to know. What I know about AoE What I want to know about AoE Age of Exploration

2 Scientific Revolution
Age of Absolutism Renaissance 1300 – 1650 Europe Age of Exploration Reformation Scientific Revolution

3 Age of Exploration Began in the 1400s (15th Century).
Time period when Europeans began to explore the rest of the world. Improvements in mapmaking, shipbuilding, and navigation made this possible. Blue water-sailing, not just coastal sailing. Age of Exploration

4 Unified Mongol Empire brought speedy trade routes.
Sped up the flow of resources to Europe Europe had high demand for resources Especially spices! Europe’s High Demand

5 Weakened Trade Routes Overland trade was weakening because of:
Break down of Mongol unity and power Black Death Weakened Trade Routes

6 Supply and demand Law of Supply and Demand
What is the principle of supply and demand? How does this apply to what we just discussed in terms of trade routes & demand? Supply and demand

7 With the weakening trade routes over land, prices were also high for valued items such as spices
Remember the Arab Middlemen High Prices

8 Search for Spices Motivations:
Wanted to control trade routes (taxes, resources, etc.) Competition! Effect: explorers searched for fast water routes to obtain spices and other goods for a lower price. Ex: Where was Columbus going? Search for Spices

9 Other Motivations Innovations: Innovations like the Caravel
two-mast sailing ship with triangle sails. Could sail against the wind. No longer limited by seasonal winds. Other Motivations

10 Other Motivations Ideologies:
Ambitious men looking to rise in the social order. Europeans thought of natives as a part of ‘prehistory’. This ideology allowed Europeans to crush the ‘barbarian’ natives without guilt, and it opened the door for European conquest. Other Motivations

11 Please complete a Textbook Worksheet about the motivations for exploring the seas.
The worksheet covers Ch. 14, section 1 You may work individually or in pairs You have the rest of class to work on this worksheet. What is not finished is homework for tomorrow. Textbook Ch. 14. Section 1

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